H. Genath, M. A. Schubert, H. L. Yamtomo, J. Krügener, H. J. Osten (2024): Epitaxial Growth of Nd2O3 layers on Virtual SiGe Substrates on Si(111), Journal of Applied Physics 135 (2024) 115302
DOI: 10.1063/5.0191350 -
I. Schall, G. Jia, U. Brückner, A. Gawlik, C. Strelow, J. Krügener, D. Tan, M. Fahrbach, S.G. Ebbinghaus, J. Plentz, E. Peiner (2024): Solar Cells on Multicrystalline Silicon Thin Films Converted from Low-Cost Soda-Lime Glass, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2024) 2400170
DOI: 10.1002/admi.202400170 -
K. Gosh, A. Fissl, H. J. Osten, A. R. Chaudhuri (2024): Interference-Modulated Excitonic Reflectance of Monolayer MoSe2 on Epitaxial Gd2O3 Thin Films, ACS Applied Optical Materials 2 (2024) 191
DOI: 10.1021/acsaom.3c00397 -
L. Salomon, G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2024): Assessment of the Required Maximum Power Point Tracking Speed for Vehicle Integrated Photovoltaics Based on Transient Irradiation Measurements and Dynamic Electrical Modelling, Solar RRL 8 (2024) 2300795
DOI: 10.1002/solr.202300795 -
T. Katkus, S.H. Ng, H. Mu, N.H.A. Le, D. Stonyte, Z. Khajehsaeidimahabadi, G. Seniutinas, J. Baltrukonis, O. Ulconas. M. Mikutis, V. Sabonis, Y. Nishijima, M. Rienäcker, U. Römer, J. Krügener, R. Peibst, S. John, S. Juodkazis (2024): Bessel-beam direct-write of the etch-mask in a nano-film of alumina for high-efficiency Si solar cells, Advanced Engineering Materials (2024) 2400711
DOI: 10.1002/adem.202400711 -
A. Nanwani, R. S. Pokharia, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten, A. Laha, S. Mahapatra (2022): Improvement of crystal quality and surface morphology of Ge/Gd_2 O_3 /Si(111) epitaxial layers by cyclic annealing and regrowth, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (2022) 115302
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ac3f0d -
G. Wetzel, L. Salomon, J. Krügener, D. Bredemeier, R. Peibst (2022): High time resolution measurement of solar irradiance onto driving car body for vehicle integrated photovoltaics, Progress in Photovoltaics 30 (2022) 543
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3526 -
H. Genath, J. Norberg, B. Wolpensinger, H.-J. Osten (2022): Investigation of the temperature stability of germanium-rich SiGe layers on Si(111) substrates, Thin Solid Films (2022) 139561
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2022.139561 -
K. Ghosh, A. Dhara, S. Dhara, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten, A. R. Chaudhuri (2022): Integration of MoSe2 Monolayers with Epitaxial High-Κ Gd2O3 Substrate: Implication for High-Quality Emission and Modulation of Excitonic Quasiparticles, ACS Applied Nano Materials (2022)
DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c01767 -
L. Peters, C. Margenfeld, J. Krügener, C. Ronning, A. Waag (2022): A Combination of Ion Implantation and High-Temperature Annealing: The Origin of the 265 nm Absorption in AlN, accepted in physica status solidi (a) 2022
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202200485 -
M. Fırat, L. Wouters, P. Lagrain, F. Haase, J.-I. Polzin, A. Chaudhary, G. Nogay, T. Desrues, J. Krügener, R. Peibst, L. Tous, H. S. Radhakrishnan, J. Poortmans (2022): Local Enhancement of Dopant Diffusion from Polycrystalline Silicon Passivating Contacts, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (2022) 17975
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c01801 -
R. Peibst, M. Rienäcker, Y. Larionova, N. Folchert, F. Haase, C. Hollemann, S. Wolter, J. Krügener, P. Bayerl, J. Bayer, M. Dzinnik, R.J. Haug, R. Brendel (2022): Towards 28 %-efficient Si single-junction solar cells with better passivating POLO junctions and photonic crystals, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 111560 (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111560 -
Y. Liu, S. Ma, M. Rosebrock, P. Rusch, Y. Barnscheidt, C. Wu, P. Nan, F. Bettels, Z. Lin, T. Li, B. Ge, N. C. Bigall, H. Pfnür, F. Ding, C. Zhang, L. Zhang (2022): Tungsten Nanoparticles Accelerate Polysulfides Conversion: A Viable Route toward Stable Room-Temperature Sodium–Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Science (2022) 210554
DOI: 10.1002/advs.202105544 -
Z. Yang, J. Krügener, F. Feldmann, J.-I. Polzin, B. Steinhauser, M. Aleshin, T. T. Le, D. Macdonald, A. Liu (2022): Comparing the Gettering Effect of Heavily Doped Polysilicon Films and Its Implications for Tunnel Oxide‐Passivated Contact Solar Cells, accepted in Solar RRL 2200578 (2022)
DOI: 10.1002/solr.202200578 -
Z. Yang, J. Krügener, F. Feldmann, J.-I. Polzin, B. Steinhauser, T. T. Le, D. Macdonald, A. Liu (2022): Impurity Gettering in Polycrystalline-Silicon Based Passivating Contacts—The Role of Oxide Stoichiometry and Pinholes, Advanced Energy Materials 2103773 (2022)
DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202103773 -
A. Rawat, K. K. Roluahpuia, P. Gribisch, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, S. Mahapatra, U. Ganguly (2021): Epitaxial Ge-Gd2O3 on Si(111) substrate by sputtering for germanium-on-insulator applications, Thin Solid Films 731 (2021) 138732
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2021.138732 -
B. Min, N. Wehmeier, T. Brendemühl, F. Haase, Y. Larionova, L. Naseband, H. SChulte-Huxel, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2021): 716 mV Open-Circuit Voltage with Fully Screen-Printed p-Type Back Junction Solar Cells Featuring an Aluminum Front Grid and a Passivating Polysilicon on Oxide Contact at the Rear Side, Solar RRL 5 (2021) 2000703
DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000703 -
C. Hollemann, M. Rienäcker, A. Soeriyadi, C. Madumelu, F. Haase, J. Krügener, B. Hallam, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2021): Firing stability of tube furnace-annealed n-type poly-Si on oxide junctions, accepted in Progress in Photovoltaics (2021)
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3459 -
C. N. Kruse, S. Schäfer, F. Haase, V. Mertens, H. SChulte-Huxel, B. Lim, B. Min, T. Dullweber, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2021): Simulation-based roadmap for the integration of poly-silicon on oxide contacts into screen-printed crystalline silicon solar cells, Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 996
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79591-6 -
F. Haase, B. Min, C. Hollemann, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2021): Fully screen-printed silicon solar cells with local Al-p+ and n-type POLO interdigitated back contacts with a VOC of 716 mV and an efficiency of 23%, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 29 (2021) 516
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3399 -
J. Krügener, M. Rienäcker, S. Schäfer, M. Sanchez, S. Wolter, R. Brendel, S. John, H. J. Osten, R. Peibst (2021): Photonic crystals for highly efficient silicon single junction solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 233 (2021) 111337
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111337 -
P. Bayerl, N. Folchert, J. Reyer, M. Dzinnik, C. Hollemann, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, R. J. Haug (2021): Contacting a single nanometer‐sized pinhole in the interfacial oxide of a poly‐silicon on oxide (POLO) solar cell junction, accepted in Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications 2021
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3417 -
P. Gribisch, A. Fissel (2021): Interfacial layer formation during the growth of Gd2O3 on Si(001) and its thermal stability Semiconductor Science and Technology 36(11) (2021) 115016, Semiconductor Science and Technology 36(11) (2021) 115016
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6641/ac2962 -
R. Peibst, H. Fischer, M. Brunner, A. Schießl, S. Wöhe, R. Wecker, F. Haase, H. Schulte-Huxel, S. Blankemeyer, M. Köntges, C. Hollemann, R. Brendel, G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, H. Nonnenmacher, H. Mehlich, A. Salavei, K. Ding, A. Lambertz, B. Pieters, S. Janke, B. Stannowski, L. Korte (2021): Demonstration of feeding VIPV‐converted energy into the high‐voltage on‐board network of practical light commercial vehicles for range extension, Solar RRL (2021) 2100516
DOI: 10.1002/solr.202100516 -
R. Sarkar, B. B. Upadhyay, S. Bhunia, R. S. Pokharia, D. Nag, S. Surapaneni, J. Lemettinen, S. Suihkonen, P. Gribisch, H.-J. Osten, S. Ganguly, D. Saha, A. Laha (2021): Epi-Gd₂O₃-MOSHEMT: A Potential Solution Toward Leveraging the Application of AlGaN/GaN/Si HEMT With Improved ION/IOFF Operating at 473 K, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68 (2021) 2653
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3070838 -
S. Schäfer, A. Mercker, A. Köhler, T. Neubert, L. Mettner, B. Wolpensinger, V. Mertens, R. Peibst (2021): Role of oxygen in the UV-ps laser triggered amorphization of poly-Si for Si solar cells with local passivated contacts, Journal of Applied Physics 129 (2021) 133103
DOI: 10.1063/5.0045829 -
Y. Liu, Y. Barnscheidt, M. Peng, F. Bettels, T. Li, T. He, F. Ding, L. Zhang (2021): A Biomass-Based Integral Approach Enables Li-S Full Pouch Cells with Exceptional Power Density and Energy Density, Advanced Science 8 (2021) 2101182
DOI: 10.1002/advs.202101182 -
A. Joseph, G. Lilienkamp, T. F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2020): Ion-Implanted Epitaxially Grown Gd2O3 on Silicon with Improved Electrical Properties, Journal of Electronic Materials 49 (2020) 6270
DOI: 10.1007/s11664-020-08392-4 -
B. Min, N. Wehmeier, T. Brendemühl, A. Merkle, F. Haase, L. Naseband, H. Schulte-Huxel, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2020): A 22.3% Efficient p-Type Back Junction Solar Cell with an Al-Printed Front-Side Grid and a Passivating n+-Type Polysilicon on Oxide Contact at the Rear Side, Solar RRL 4 (2020) 2000435
DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000435 -
C. Hollemann, F. Haase, M. Rienäcker, V. Barnscheidt, J. Krügener, N. Folchert, R. Brendel, S. Richter, S. Großer, E. Sauter, J. Hübner, M. Oestreich, R. Peibst (2020): Separating the two polarities of the POLO contacts of an 26.1%-efficient IBC solar cell, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 658
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-57310-0 -
E. L. Warren, W. E. McMahon, M. Rienäcker, K. T. VanSant, R. C. Whitehead, R. Peibst, A. C. Tamboli (2020): A Taxonomy for Three-Terminal Tandem Solar Cells, ACS Energy LEtters 5 (2020) 1233
DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.0c00068 -
G. M. Wilson, M. Al-Jassim, W. K. Metzger, S. W. Glunz, P. Verlinden, G. Xiong, L. M. Mansfield, B. J. Stanbery, K. Zhu, Y. Yan, J. J. Berry, A. J. Ptak, F. Dimroth, B. M. Kayes, A. C. Tamboli, R. Peibst, K. Catchpole, M. O. Reese, C. S. Klinga, P. Denholm, M. Morjaria, M. G. Deceglie, J. M. Freeman, M. A. Mikofski, D. C. Jordan, G. TamizhMani, D. B. Sulas-Kern (2020): The 2020 photovoltaic technologies roadmap, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 53 (2020) 493001
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab9c6a -
H. Genath, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten (2020): Analysis of thin germanium-rich SiGe layers on Si(111) substrates grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth 535 (2020) 125569
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2020.125569 -
I. M. Hossain, Y. J. Donie, R. Schmager, M. S. Abdelkhalik, M. Rienäcker, T. F. Wietler, R. Peibst, A. Karabanov, J. A. Schwenzer, S. Moghadamzadeh, U. Lemmer, B. S. Richards, G. Gomard, U. W. Paetzold (2020): Nanostructured Front Electrodes for Perovskite/c-Si Tandem Photovoltaics, Optics Express 28 (2020) 8878
DOI: 10.1364/OE.382253 -
M. Winter, S. Bordhin, R. Peibst, R. Brendel, J. Schmidt (2020): Degradation and Regeneration of n+-Doped Poly-Si Surface Passivation on p-Type and n-Type Cz-Si Under Illumination and Dark Annealing, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10 (2020) 423
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2020.2964987 -
M. Winter, S. Bordhin, R. Peibst, R. Brendel, J. Schmidt (2020): Degradation and Regeneration of n+-Doped Poly-Si Surface Passivation on p-Type and n-Type Cz-Si Under Illumination and Dark Annealing, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10-2 (2020) 423
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2020.2964987 -
N. Folchert, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2020): Modeling recombination and contact resistance of poly‐Si junctions, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 2020
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3327 -
P. Gribisch, A. Fissel (2020): Tuning of structural and dielectric properties of Gd2O3 grown on Si(001), Journal of Applied Physics 128 (2020) 055108
DOI: 10.1063/5.0007793 -
S. Gharibzadeh, I. M. Hossain, P. Fassl, B. Abdollahi Nejand, T. Abzieher, M. Schultes, E. Ahlswede, P. Jackson, M. Powalla, S. Schäfer, M. Rienäcker, T. Wietler, R. Peibst, U. Lemmer, B. S. Richards, U. W. Paetzold (2020): 2D/3D Heterostructure for Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Engineered Bandgap Enables Efficiencies Exceeding 25% in Four‐Terminal Tandems with Silicon and CIGS, Advanced Functional Materials 30 (2020) 1909919
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201909919 -
T. Dullweber, M. Stöhr, C. Kruse, F. Haase, M. Rudolph, B. Beier, P. Jäger, V. Mertens, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2020): Evolutionary PERC+ solar cell efficiency projection towards 24% evaluating shadow-mask-deposited poly-Si fingers below the Ag front contact as next improvement step, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 212 (2020) 110586
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110586 -
Y. Barnscheidt, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten (2020): Grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction investigation of the coincidence site lattice of the Ge/Si(001) system, Journal of Applied Crystallography 53 (2020) 1212
DOI: 10.1107/S1600576720009255 -
Y. Barnscheidt, M. Franck, H. J. Osten (2020): Paving the way to dislocation reductionin Ge/Si(001) heteroepitaxy using C-based strained layer superlattices, Journal of Applied Physics 128 (2020) 095703
DOI: 10.1063/5.0004352 -
Y. Larionova, H. Schulte-Huxel, B. Min, S. Schäfer, T. Kluge, H. Mehlich, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2020): Ultra‐Thin Poly‐Si Layers: Passivation Quality, Utilization of Charge Carriers Generated in the Poly‐Si and Application on Screen‐Printed Double‐Side Contacted POLO‐Cells, Solar RRL 4 (2020) 2000177
DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000177 -
A. Fissel (2019): THERMODYNAMICS AND KINETICS OF NANOCLUSTER FORMATION ON SEMICONDUCTOR SURFACES: THE EXAMPLE OF SI GROWTH ON SIC(0001), Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials,Methods & Technologies 13 (2019) 1 (
A. Fissel, A. R. Chaudhuri, J. Krügener, H. J. Osten (2019): Corrigendum to “Influence of (7×7)–“1×1” phase transition on step-free area formation inmolecular beam epitaxial growth of Si on Si(111)”, Journal of Crystal Growth 524 (2019) 125155
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125155 -
C. Hollemann, F. Haase, S. Schäfer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2019): 26.1 %-efficient POLO-IBC cells: Quantification of further efficiency improvements, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 27 (2019) 950
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3098 -
G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst, A. Dietrich, B. Nacke, H. J. Osten (2019): Simulation of solar cell performance based on in the field measured ambience parameters, AIP Conference Proceedings 2147 (2019) 020020
DOI: 10.1063/1.5123825 -
L. M. Montañez, I. Strauß, J. Caro, H. J. Osten (2019): Impact of border traps in ultrathin metal-organic framework Cu3(BTC)2 based capacitors, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 277 (2019) 136
DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2018.10.029 -
M. Rienäcker, E. L. Warren, M. Schnabel, H. Schulte-Huxel, R. Niepelt, R. Brendel, P. Stradins, A. C. Tamboli, R. Peibst (2019): Back‐contacted bottom cells with three terminals: Maximizing power extraction from current‐mismatched tandem cells, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (2019) 1
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3107 -
P. Gribisch, A. Roy Chaudhuri, A. Fissel (2019): Growth and Dielectric Properties of Monoclinic Gd2O3 on Si(001), ECS Transactions 3 (2019) 57
DOI: 10.1149/09301.0057ecst -
P. Gribisch, J. Schmidt, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2019): Influence of nanostructure formation on the crystal structure and morphology of epitaxially grown Gd2O3 on Si(001), Acta Crystallographica Section B75 (2019) 59
DOI: 10.1107/S2052520618017869 -
R. Peibst, C. Kruse, S. Schäfer, V. Mertens, S. Bordhin, T. Dullweber, F. Haase, C. Hollemann, B. Lim, B. Min, R. Niepelt, H. Schulte-Huxel, R. Brendel (2019): For none, one, or two polarities—How do POLO junctions fit best into industrial Si solar cells?, Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications 28 (2019) 503
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3201 -
R. S. Pokharia, K. R. Khiangte, J. S. Rathore, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten, A. Laha, S. Mahapatra (2019): Metal semiconductor metal photodiodes based on all-epitaxial Ge-on-insulator-on- Si(111), grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Proc. SPIE 10914, Optical Components and Materials XVI, 1091417
DOI: 10.1117/12.2509720 -
R. Sarkar, S. Bhunia, D. Nag, B. C. Barik, K. Das Gupta, D. Saha, S. Ganguly, A. Laha, J. Lemettinen, C. Kauppinen, I. Kim, S. Suihkonen, P. Gribisch, H.-J. Osten (2019): Epi-Gd2O3/AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMT on 150 mm Si wafer: A fully epitaxial system for high power application, Applied Physics Letter 115 (2019) 063502
DOI: 10.1063/1.5109861 -
S. Schäfer, F. Haase, C. Hollemann J. Hensen, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2019): 26%-efficient and 2cm narrow interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells with passivated slits on two edges, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 200 (2019) 110021
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.110021 -
F. Haase, C. Hollemann, S. Schäfer, A. Merkle, M. Rienäcker, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2018): Laser contact openings for local poly-Si-metal contacts enabling 26.1%-efficient POLO-IBC solar cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 186 (2018) 184
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.06.020 -
F. Haase, S. Schäfer, C. Klamt, F. Kiefer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2018): Perimeter Recombination of 25 %-Efficient IBC Solar Cells With Passivating POLO Contacts for Both Polarities, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018) 23
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2762592 -
H. S. Laine, V. Vähänissi, Z. Liu, E. Magana, J. Krügener, A. E. Morishige, K. Salo, B. Lai, H. Salvin, D. P. Fenning (2018): Elucidation of Iron Gettering Mechanisms in Boron-Implanted Silicon Solar Cells, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018) 79
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2775159 -
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, T.F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2018): Carbon-mediated epitaxy of SiGe virtual substrates on Si(001), Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 (2018) 114002
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6641/aadffc -
K. R. Khiangte, J. S. Rathore, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten, A. Laha, S. Mahapatra (2018): Wafer-scale all-epitaxial GeSn-on-insulator on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (2018) 32LT01
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aad176 -
K. R. Khiangte, J. S. Rathore, S. Das, R. S. Pokharia, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten, A. Laha, S. Mahapatra (2018): Molecular beam epitaxy and defect structure of Ge (111)/epi-Gd2O3 (111)/Si (111) heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics 124 (2018) 065704
DOI: 10.1063/1.5020026 -
L. M. Montanez, K. Müller, L. Heinke, H. J. Osten (2018): Integration of thin film of metal-organic frameworks in metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitor structures, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 265 (2018) 185
DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2018.02.018 -
L. Montañez, J. A. Tofflinger, R. Grieseler, P. Fischer, A. Ben-Or, J. A. Guerra, R. Weingartner. H. J. Osten, A. Kribus (2018): Structural, optical, and interface properties of sputtered AlN thin films under different hydrogen dilution conditions, materials today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 14765
DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.03.066 -
R. Peibst, L. Larionova, S. Reiter, T. Wietler, N. Orlowski, S. Schäfer, B. Min, M. Stratmann, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, H. Mehlich, S. Frigge, R. Brendel (2018): Building blocks for industrial, screen-printed double-side contacted POLO cells with highly transparent ZnO:Al layers, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018) 719
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2813427 -
T. F. Wietler, B. Min, S. Reiter, Y. Larionova, R. Reineke-Koch, F. Heinemeyer, R. Brendel, A. Feldhoff, J. Krügener, D. Tetzlaff, and R. Peibst (2018): High temperature annealing of ZnO:Al on passivating POLO junctions: Impact on transparency, conductivity, junction passivation and interface stability, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (2018) 89
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2878337 -
Y. Barnscheidt, J. Schmidt, G. Wetzel, D. Tetzlaff, T.F. Wietler, H.J. Osten (2018): Highly boron-doped germanium layers on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 (2018) 104006
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6641/aade69 -
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H. J. Osten (2017): Epitaxial lanthanide oxide thin films on Si for high-k gate dielectric application: Growth optimization and defect passivation, Journal of Materials Research 32 (2017) 699
DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.22 -
B. Min, J. Krügener, M. Müller, K. Bothe, R. Brendel (2017): Fundamental Consideration about Junction Formation Strategies for Phosphorus-doped Emitters with J0e < 10 fA/cm², Energy Procedia 124 (2017) 126
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.323 -
D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, F. Haase, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. F. Wietler (2017): A Simple Method for Pinhole Detection in Carrier Selective POLO-Junctions for High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 173 (2017) 106
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.05.041 -
D. Tetzlaff, M. Dzinnik, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. F. Wietler (2017): Introducing Pinhole Magnification by Selective Etching: Application to Poly-Si on Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxide Films, Energy Procedia 124 (2017) 435
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.270 -
F. Haase, F. Kiefer, S. Schäfer, C. Kruse, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2017): Interdigitated back contact solar cells with polycrystalline silicon on oxide passivating contacts for both polarities, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 (2017) 08MB15
DOI: 10.7567/JJAP.56.08MB15 -
J. Krügener, F. Haase, M. Rienäcker, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, H.-J. Osten (2017): Improvement of the SRH Bulk Lifetime upon Formation of n-Type POLO Junctions for 25% Efficient Si Solar Cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 173 (2017) 85
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.05.055 -
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler (2017): Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Thin Germanium Films on SiGe(001) Virtual Substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth 457 (2016) 171
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.06.053 -
J. Schmidt, M. Eilert, S. Peters, T. F. Wietler (2017): Characterization of thin SiGe layers on Si (001) by spectroscopic ellipsometry for Ge fractions from 0 to 100%, Applied Surface Science 421 (2017) 772
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.08.091 -
M. Moellers, C. Margenfeld, T. F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2017): Growth of epitaxially stabilized, non-cubic Gd2O3 on silicon(111) substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth 480 (2017) 141
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2017.10.019 -
M. Rienäcker, M. Bossmeyer, A. Merkle, U. Römer, F. Haase, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2017): Junction Resistivity of Carrier-Selective Polysilicon on Oxide junctions and Its Impact on Solar Cell Performance, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7 (2017) 11
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2614123 -
S. Schäfer, F. Haase, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2017): Silicon nanopowder as diffuse rear reflector for silicon solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics 122 (2017) 053102
DOI: 10.1063/1.4997183 -
T. F. Wietler, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, M. Rienäcker, F. Haase, Y. Larionova, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2017): Pinhole Density and Contact Resistivity of Carrier Selective Junctions with Polycrystalline Silicon on Oxide, Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017) 253902
DOI: 10.1063/1.4986924 -
Y. Larionova, M. Turcu, S. Reiter, R. Brendel, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, R. Peibst (2017): On the recombination behavior of p+-type polysilicon on oxide junctions deposited by different methods on textured and planar surfaces, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 217 (2017) 1700058
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700058 -
A. Grimm, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, T. F. Wietler (2016): In situ observation of low temperature growth of Ge on Si(111) by reflection high energy electron diffraction, Applied Surface Science 370 (2016) 40
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.02.144 -
A. Joseph, D. Tetzlaff, J. Schmidt, R. Böttger, T. F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2016): Formation and properties of high-dose nitrogen implanted epitaxially grown Gd2O3 on silicon, Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016) 144103
DOI: 10.1063/1.4964431 -
A. K. Katiyar, A. Grimm, R. Bar, J. Schmidt, T. F. Wietler, H. J. Osten and S. K. Ray (2016): Room temperature direct band gap emission characteristics of surfactant mediated grown compressively strained Ge films, Nanotechnology 27 (2016) 435204
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/43/435204 -
F. Kiefer, J. Krügener, F. Heinemeyer, H.J. Osten, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Structural investigation of printed Ag/Al contacts on silicon and numerical modeling of their contact recombination, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (2016) 1175
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2591318 -
F. Kiefer, J. Krügener, F. Heinemeyer, M. Jestremski, H. J. Osten, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Bifacial, Fully Screen-Printed n-PERT Solar Cells With BF2 and B Implanted Emitters, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 326
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2016.05.028 -
H. J. Osten (2016): Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon for CMOS and Beyond, ECS Transactions 75 (2016) 109
DOI: 11.1149/07513.0109ecst -
K. Ghosh, S. Das, A. Fissel, H.J. Osten, A. Laha (2016): Long-Term Stability of Epitaxial (Nd₁₋ₓGdₓ)₂O₃ Thin Films Grown on Si(001) for Future CMOS Devices, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 63 (2016) 2852
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2016.2566681 -
L. Wang, S. Dimitrijev, A. Fissel, G. Walker, J. Chai, L. Hold, A. Fernandes, N.-T. Nguyen, A. Iacopi (2016): Growth mechanism for alternating supply epitaxy: the unique pathway to achieve uniform silicon carbide films on multiple large-diameter silicon substrates, RCS Advances 20 (2016) 16662
DOI: 10.1039/C5RA24797G -
P. Shekhter, D. Schwendt, Y. Amouyal, T. F. Wietler, H. J. Osten, M. Eizenberg (2016): Strain-induced phase variation and dielectric constant enhancement of epitaxial Gd2O3, Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016) 014101
DOI: 10.1063/1.4958301 -
R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Contact Selectivity and Efficiency in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (2016) 1413
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2598267 -
R. Peibst, U. Römer, Y. Larionova, M. Rienäcker, A. Merkle, N. Folchert, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, B. Min, J. Krügener, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, R. Brendel (2016): Working principle of carrier selective poly-Si/c-Si junctions: Is tunnelling the whole story?, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 158 (2016) 60
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2016.05.045 -
S. Reiter, N. Koper, R. Reineke-Koch, Y. Larionova, M. Turcu, J. Krügener, D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Parasitic Absorption in Polycrystalline Si-layers for Carrier-selective Front Junctions, Energy Procedia 92 (2016) 199
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.07.057 -
A. Fissel, A. R. Chaudhuri, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2015): Influence of "1x1"- (7x7) phase transition on step-free area formation in molecular beam epitaxial growth of Si on Si(111), Journal of Crystal Growth 425 (2015) 154
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2015.02.041 -
A. Fissel, A. R. Chaudhuri, J. Krügener, P. Gribisch, H.-J. Osten (2015): Impact of surface phase coexistence on the development of step-free areas on Si(111), Frontiers of Materials Science 9 (2015) 141
DOI: 10.1007/s11706-015-0282-z -
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, and H.-J. Osten (2015): Erratum:“Superior dielectric properties for template assisted grown (100) oriented Gd2O3 thin films on Si (100)”[Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (2014) 012906], Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015) 149903
DOI: 10.1063/1.4917251 -
A. R. Chaudhuri, H. J. Osten, and A. Fissel (2015): Impact of boron on the step-free area formation on Si(111) mesa structures, Journal of Applied Physics 118 (2015) 245308
DOI: 10.1063/1.4939160 -
F. Heinemeyer, V. Steckenreiter, F. Kiefer, R. Peibst (2015): Hierarchical Etching for Improved Optical Front-side Properties of Monocrystalline Si Solar Cells, Energy Procedia 77 (2015) 810
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.114 -
J. Krügener, R. Peibst, E. Bugiel, D. Tetzlaff, F. Kiefer, M. Jestremski, R. Brendel, and H. J. Osten (2015): Ion implantation of boric molecules for silicon solar cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 142 (2015) 12
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.05.024 -
J. Krügener, R. Peibst, F. A. Wolf, E. Bugiel, T. Ohrdes, F. Kiefer, C. Schöllhorn, A. Grohe, R. Brendel, H.-J. Osten (2015): Electrical and Structural Analysis of Crystal Defects after High-Temperature Rapid Thermal Annealing of highly Boron Ion-Implanted Emitters, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (2015) 166
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2365468 -
S. Körner, F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, F. Heinemeyer, J. Krügener, M. Eberstein (2015): Basic study on the influence of glass composition and aluminum content on the Ag/Al paste contact formation to boron emitters, Energy Procedia 67 (2015) 20
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.03.284 -
U. Römer, R. Peibst, T. Ohrdes, B. Lim, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, R. Brendel (2015): Ion Implantation for Poly-Si Passivated Back-Junction Back-Contacted Solar Cells, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (2015) 507
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2382975 -
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2014): Superior dielectric properties for template assisted grown (100) oriented Gd2O3 thin films on Si(100), Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 012906
DOI: 10.1063/1.4861470 -
A. R. Chauhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2014): Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Nitrogen Doped Epitaxial Gd2O3 Thin Films on Si, physica status solidi C 11 (2014) 1412
DOI: 10.1002/pssc.201300596 -
F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, T. Ohrdes, T. Dullweber, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten, C. Schöllhorn, A. Grohe, R. Brendel (2014): Influence of the boron emitter profile on VOC and JSC losses in fully ion implanted n-type PERT solar cells, physica status solidi A 212 (2014) 291
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431118 -
H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2014): Kristallstrukturengineering, Unimagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover 01/02 (2014) 50
H.-J. Osten, D. Schwendt, A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, P. Shekhter, M. Eizenberg (2014): Tuning Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Lanthanide Oxides on Silicon, ECS Transactions 61 (2014) 3
DOI: 10.1149/06102.0003ecst -
J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, R. Peibst, F. Kiefer, T. Ohrdes, R. Brendel, H.-J. Osten (2014): Structural analysis of textured silicon surfaces after ion implantation under tilted angle, Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (2014) 095004
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/29/9/095004 -
P. Shekhter, A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Laha, S. Yehezkel, A. Shriki, H.-J. Osten, M. Eizenberg (2014): The influence of carbon doping on the performance of Gd2O3 as high-k gate dielectric, Applied Physics Letters 105 (2014) 262901
DOI: 10.1063/1.4905356 -
R. Peibst, U. Römer, K. R. Hofmann, B. Lim, T. F. Wietler, J. Krügener, N.-P. Harder, R. Brendel (2014): A Simple Model Describing the Symmetric I-V Characteristics of p Polycrystalline/n Monocrystalline Si, and n Polycrystalline Si/p Monocrystalline Si Junctions, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4 (2014) 841
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2310740 -
T. F. Wietler, J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel (2014): Surfactant-mediated epitaxy of silicon germanium films on silicon (001) substrates, Thin Solid Films 557 (2014) 27
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2013.08.125 -
U. Römer, R. Peibst, T. Ohrdes, B. Lim, J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, R. Brendel (2014): Recombination behavior and contact resistance of n+ and p+ poly-crystalline Si/mono-crystalline Si junctions, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 131 (2014) 85
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2014.06.003 -
A. Bhatnagar, A. R. Chaudhuri, Y. H. Kim, D. Hesse, M. Alexe (2013): Role of domain walls in the abnormal photovoltaic effect in BiFeO3, Nature Communications 4 (2013) 2835
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3835 -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Effective control on flat band voltage of epitaxial lanthanide oxide based MOS capacitors by interfacial carbon, Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 202902
DOI: 10.1063/1.4807588 -
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Investigation of band offsets and dc leakage properties of nitrogen doped epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films on Si, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 184108
DOI: 10.1063/1.4804245 -
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, V. R. Archakam, H.-J. Osten (2013): Improving dielectric properties of epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films on silicon by nitrogen doping, Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 022904
DOI: 10.1063/1.4775688 -
D. Tetzlaff, T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Strain relaxation of thin Ge films on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth 378 (2013) 254
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.12.087 -
H.-J. Osten (2013): Crystalline oxides on silicon, High Permittivity Gate Dielectric Materials, Ed. Samares Kar, Springers Series in Advanced Microelectronics 43 (2013) 395
ISBN: 978-3-642-36535-5 -
J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2013): Morphology of mesa surfaces on Si(111) prepared by molecular beam epitaxy at temperatures around the (7x7)-“1x1” surface phase transistion, Surface Science 618 (2013) 27
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2013.08.017 -
J. Krügener, N.-P. Harder (2013): Weak Light Performance of PERC, PERT and Standard Industrial Solar Cells, Energy Procedia 38 (2013) 108
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.07.256 -
K. Ghosh, S. Das, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha (2013): Epitaxial Gd2O3 on strained Si1-xGex virtual substrate for next generation complementary metal oxide semiconductor device application, Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 153501
DOI: 10.1063/1.4824422 -
K. Xu, A. R. Chaudhuri, H. Parala, D. Schwendt, T. de los Arcos, H.-J. Osten, A. Devi (2013): Atomic layer deposition of Er2O3 thin films from Er tris-guanidinate and water: Process optimization, film analysis and electrical properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (2013) 3939
DOI: 10.1039/C3TC30401A -
S. Islam, D. Mueller-Sajak, K. R. Hofmann, H. Pfnür (2013): Epitaxial thin films of BaSrO as gate dielectric, Microelectronic Engineering 109 (2013) 152
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2013.03.105 -
S. Manna, R. Aluguri, A. Katiyar, S. Das, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, S. K. Ray (2013): MBE grown Si and Si1-xGex quantum dots embedded within epitaxial Gd2O3 on Si (111) substrate for floating gate memory device, Nanotechnology 24 (2013) 505709
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/24/50/505709 -
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2012): Preparation of large step-free mesas on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy, physica status solidi C 9 (2012) 2050
DOI: 10.1002/pssc.201200139 -
D. Müller-Sajak, S. Islam, H. Pfnür, K. R. Hofmann (2012): Temperature stability of ultra-thin mixed BaSr-oxide layers and their transformation, Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 305202
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/23/30/305202 -
D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten, P. Shekhter, M. Eizenberg (2012): Strain-induced effects on the dielectric constant for thin, crystalline rare earth oxides on silicon, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 232905
DOI: 10.1063/1.4727893 -
D. Tetzlaff , T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2012): Carbon-mediated growth of thin, fully relaxed germanium films on silicon, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 012108
DOI: 10.1063/1.3675450 -
H.-J. Osten, D. Schwendt (2012): Strain Effects on Dielectric Properties of Thin, Crystalline Rare Earth Oxides on Silicon, ECS Transactions 50 (2012) 41
DOI: 10.1149/05004.0041ecst -
K. Xu, R. Ranjith, A. P. Milanov, H. Parala, R. A. Fischer, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, J. Feydt, S. Irsen, T. Toader, C. Bock, D. Rogalla, H.-J. Osten, U. Kunze, A. Devi (2012): Atomic layer deposition of Gd2O3 and Dy2O3: A study on the ALD characteristics, structural and electrical properties, Chemistry of Materials 24 (2012) 651
DOI: 10.1021/cm2020862 -
R. Peibst, E. P. Rugeramigabo, K. R. Hofmann (2012): Electrical characterization and modelling of n-n Ge-Si heterojunctions with relatively low interface state densities, Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2012) 124502
DOI: 10.1063/1.4768255 -
T. Breuer, U. Kerst, C. Boit, E. Langer, H. Ruelke, A. Fissel (2012): Conduction and material transport phenomena of degradation in electrically stressed ultra low-k dielectric before breakdown, Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2012) 124103
DOI: 10.1063/1.4768918 -
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2011): Towards controlled molecular beam epitaxial growth of artificially layered Si structures, Journal of Crystal Growth 323 (2011) 144
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.12.001 -
A. Laha, A. Bin, P. R. P. Babu, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Enhanced electrical properties of carbon doped epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films on silicon substrates, ECS Transactions 41 (2011) 101
DOI: 10.1149/1.3633025 -
A. Laha, B. Ai, P. R. P. Babu, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Impact of carbon incorporation into epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films on silicon: An experimental study on electrical properties, Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 152902
DOI: 10.1063/1.3646104 -
E. Lipp, Z. Shahar, B. C. Bittel, P. M. Lenahan, D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten, M. Eizenberg (2011): Trap-assisted conduction in Pt-gated Gd2O3/Si capacitors, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 073724
DOI: 10.1063/1.3573036 -
H.-J. Osten (2011): Auf dem Weg zur Nanoelektronik: Neue kristalline Materialien für Elektroniklösungen auf dem altbekannten Silizium, Unimagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover 01/02 (2011) 20
J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2011): Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopic study of elemental boron adsorption and surface segregation on Si(111), Physical Review B 83 (2011) 205303
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.205303 -
J. S. de Sousa, R. Peibst, M. Erenburg, E. Bugiel, G. A. Farias, J.-P. Leburton, K. R. Hofmann (2011): Single electron charging and discharging analysis in Ge nanocrystal memories, IEEE Transactions Electron Devices 58 (2011) 376
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2010.2091959 -
J. Wollschläger, C. Deiter, C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2011): Surfactant Enhanced Solid Phase Epitaxy of Ge/CaF2/Si(111): Synchrotron X-ray Characterization of Structure and Morphology, Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2011) 102205
DOI: 10.1063/1.3661174 -
M. F. Beug, G. Tempel, K. R. Hofmann (2011): Gate-Side and Substrate-Side Oxide Trap and Interface State Generation in Conventional and Nitrided Tunnel Oxides of Floating Gate Cells, IEEE Transactions Electron Devices 58 (2011) 819
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2010.2102034 -
R. Haug, H.-J. Osten, J. Caro, L. Rissing, F. Schulze-Wischeler (2011): Engineering des Unsichtbaren, Unimagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover 01/02 (2011) 4
Y. Y. Gomeniuk, Y. V. Gomeniuk, A. N. Lazarov, V. S. Lysenko, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha (2011): Interface and bulk properties of high-K gadolinium and neodymium oxides on silicon, Advanced Materials Research 276 (2011) 167
DOI: 10.4028/ -
A. Cosceev, D. Müller-Sajak, H. Pfnür, K. R. Hofmann (2010): Investigation of the electrical properties of the alkaline-earth oxides BaO, SrO and Ba0.7Sr0.3O on Si(001) as alternative gate dielectrics, Thin Solid Films 518 (2010) 281
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.10.108 -
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, D. Schwendt, H.J. Osten (2010): Role of boron and (√3x√3)-B surface defects on the growth mode of Si on Si(111), A photoemission and electron diffraction study, physica status solidi A 207 (2010) 245
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.200982433 -
A. Fissel, R. Dargis, E. Bugiel, D. Schwendt, T. Wietler, J. Krügener, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2010): Single-crystalline Si grown on single-crystalline Gd2O3 by modified solid-phase epitaxy, Thin Solid Films 518 (2010) 2546
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.09.139 -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Effect of Ge passivation on interfacial properties of crystalline Gd2O3 thin films grown on Si substrates, Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 072903
DOI: 10.1063/1.3318260 -
A. Milanov, K. Xu, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Ranjith, D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten, H. Parala, R. Fischer, A. Devi (2010): Crystalline Gd2O3 thin films with high quality interface on Si(100) by low temperature H2O assisted atomic layer deposition process, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010) 36
DOI: 10.1021/ja909102j -
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, A. Fissel (2010): Si Nanostructures Embedded into Crystalline Rare Earth Oxide Matrix for Opto and Nano Electronic Devices, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (2010) 38
DOI: 10.1109/ICQNM.2010.14 -
J. S. de Sousa, R. Peibst, G. A. Farias, J.-P. Leburton, K. R. Hofmann (2010): Interface defect-assisted single electron charging (and discharging) dynamics in Ge nanocrystals memories, Applied Physics Letters 97 (2010) 013504
DOI: 10.1063/1.3455899 -
J. X. Wang, T. Liu, Z. Wang, E. Bugiel, A. Laha, T. Watahiki, R. Shayduk, W. Braun, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Epitaxial multi-component rare-earth oxide: A high-k material with ultralow mismatch to Si, Materials Letters 64 (2010) 866
DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2010.01.045 -
R. Dargis, A. Fissel, D. Schwendt, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Epitaxial growth and thermal stability of silicon layers on crystalline rare-earth metal oxides, Vacuum 85 (2010) 523
DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2010.01.026 -
R. Peibst, J. S. de Sousa, K. R. Hofmann (2010): Determination of the Ge-nanocrystal/SiO2 matrix interface trap density from the small signal response of charge stored in the nanocrystals, Physical Review B 82 (2010) 195415
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.195415 -
R. Peibst, M. Erenburg, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2010): Effects influencing electron and hole retention times in Ge nanocrystal memory structures operating in the direct tunneling regime, Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 054316
DOI: 10.1063/1.3467527 -
R. Ranjith, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten, K. Xu, A. P. Milanov, A. Devi (2010): Downscaling of defect-passivated Gd2O3 thin films on p-Si(001) wafers grown by H2O-assisted atomic layer deposition, Semiconductor Science and Technology 25 (2010) 105001
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/25/10/105001 -
A. Fissel, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, A. Ali, H.J. Osten (2009): Tailoring of Si nanostructures embedded into epitaxial oxides for various applications, World Journal of Engineering 6 (2009) 245
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2009): Influence of boron on the initial stages of Si molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111) studied by reflection high-energy electron diffraction, Surface Science 603 (2009) 477
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.12.004 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, M. Jestremski, R. Ranjith, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2009): Encapsulated solid phase epitaxy of a Ge quantum well embedded in an epitaxial rare earth oxide, Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 475604
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/47/475604 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, D. Schwendt, M. Badylevich, V.V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2009): Integration of low dimensional crystalline Si into functional epitaxial oxides, Microelectronics Journal 40 (2009) 633
DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2008.06.064 -
A. Nazarov, V. Lysenko, Y. Y. Gomeniuk, Y. V. Gomeniuk, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha (2009): Interface and Bulk Properties of MBE-Grown Rare-Earth Metal Oxides on Silicon, ECS Meeting Abstracts 902 (2009) 2139
DOI: 10.1149/1.3206634 -
D. Müller-Sajak, A. Cosceev, C. Brand, K. R. Hofmann, H. Pfnür (2009): Preparation and electrical characterization of amorphous BaO, SrO and Ba0.7Sr0.3O as high-k gate dielectrics, physica status solidi C 7 (2010) 316
DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200982477 -
E. Lipp, H.-J. Osten, M. Eizenberg (2009): The thermal stability of Pt/ epitaxial Gd2O3 / Si stacks and its dependence on heat-treatment ambient, Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009) 113505
DOI: 10.1063/1.3264674 -
H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, A. Laha (2009): Introducing Crystalline Rare-Earth Oxides into Si-based Electronics, Proceedings of the XVth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2009) 107
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, A. Fissel (2009): Epitaxial Lanthanide Oxide based Gate Dielectrics, MRS Proceedings 1155: CMOS Gate-Stack Scaling — Materials, Interfaces and Reliability Implications (2009) 97
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-1155-C01-01 -
J. Wang, A. Laha, A. Fissel, D. Schwendt, R. Dargis, T. Watahiki, R. Shayduka, W. Braun, T. M. Liu, H.-J. Osten (2009): Crystal structure and strain state of molecular beam epitaxial grown Gd2O3 on Si(111) substrates: a diffraction study, Semiconductor Science and Technology 24 (2009) 045021
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/24/4/045021 -
J. Wang, A. Laha, A. Fissel, D. Schwendt, R. Dargis, T. Watahiki, T. Liu, H.-J. Osten (2009): Structural Study of Epitaxially Grown Nano-thick Nd2O3/Si(111) Heterostructure, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS) (2009) 431
DOI: 10.1109/NEMS.2009.5068613 -
M. C. Lemme, H. D. B. Gottlob, T. J. Echtermeyer, H. Kurz, R. Endres, U. Schwalke, M. Czernohorsky, D. Tetzlaff, H.-J. Osten (2009): Complementary metal oxide semiconductor integration of epitaxial Gd2O3, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 27 (2009) 258
DOI: 10.1116/1.3054350 -
R. Dargis, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, D. Schwendt, T. Wietler, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2009): Epitaxial Growth and Properties of Silicon on Crystalline Rare-Earth-Metal Oxide for SOI Applications, Material Science (MEDŽIAGOTYRA) 15 (2009) 11
R. Dargis, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, D. Schwendt, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2009): Development of multi-step procedure for epitaxial growth of crystalline silicon on rare-earth-metal oxide for SOI-applications, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 7 (2009) 405
DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2009.405 -
R. Peibst, T. Dürkop, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, I. Costina, K. R. Hofmann (2009): Driving mechanisms for the formation of nanocrystals by annealing of ultra-thin Ge layers in SiO2, Physical Review B 79 (2009) 195316
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.195316 -
R. Peibst, T. Dürkop, E. Bugiel, N. Koo, T. Mollenhauer, M. C. Lemme, H. Kurz, K. R. Hofmann (2009): PECVD grown Ge nanocrystals embedded in SiO2: From disordered to templated self-organization, Microelectronics Journal 40 (2009) 759
DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2008.11.008 -
T. F. Wietler, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2009): Epitaxial growth of Gd2O3 on surfactant-mediated grown Ge films on Si(001) substrates, Solid-State Electronics 53 (2009) 833
DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2009.04.027 -
T. F. Wietler, E. P. Rugeramigabo, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2009): Influence of Sb Induced Surface Faceting on Structural Properties Of Relaxed Ge Films On Si(001), Physics of Semiconductors: 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, AIP Conference Proceedings 1199 (2009) 15
DOI: 10.1063/1.3295345 -
V. V. Afanas’ev, M. Badylevich, A. Stesmans, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2009): Size-dependent interface band alignment between Si nanocrystals and lattice-matched Gd2O3, Applied Physics Letters 95 (2209) 102107
DOI: 10.1063/1.3204019 -
A. Fissel, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Laha, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, H.-J. Osten (2008): Silicon in functional epitaxial oxides: A new group of nanostructures, Microelectronics Journal 39 (2008) 512
DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2007.11.007 -
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, T. Block, H.-J. Osten (2008): Molecular beam epitaxial growth of Si on heavily boron-doped Si(111) surface: From initial stages to the growth of Si polytypes, Proceedings of the Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD) (2008) 148
DOI: 10.1109/COMMAD.2008.4802113 -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, M. Badylevich, V. Afanasiev, H.-J. Osten (2008): Integration of low dimensional crystalline Si into functional epitaxial oxides for next generation solar cell application, Proceedings of the Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD) (2008) 148
DOI: 10.1109/COMMAD.2008.4802118 -
A. Laha, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2008): Embedding silicon nanoclusters into epitaxial rare earth oxide for nonvolatile memory applications, Semiconductor Science and Technology 23 (2008) 085015
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/23/8/085015 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2008): Si-nanoclusters embedded into epitaxial rare earth oxides: potential candidate for non-volatile memory applications, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 2350
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2008.09.030 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2008): Epitaxial Rare Earth Oxide Thin Film: Potential Candidate for Future Microelectronic Devices, Rare Earths: Research and Applications, Editor: Keith N. Delfrey, Nova Science Publishers (2008) 301
ISBN: 978-1-60456-218-7 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, J. X. Wang, Q. Q. Sun, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2008): Effect of domain boundaries on the electrical properties of crystalline Gd2O3 thin film, Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 182907
DOI: 10.1063/1.3009206 -
B. Raissi, J. Piscator, O. Engström, S. Hall, O. Buiu, M. C. Lemme, H. D. B. Gottlob, P. K. Hurley, K. Cherkaoui, H.-J. Osten (2008): High-K-oxide/silicon interfaces characterized by capacitance frequency spectroscopy, Solid-State Electronics 52 (2008) 1274
DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2008.04.005 -
E. Lipp, M. Eizenberg, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2008): Effect of oxide structure on the Fermi-level pinning at metal/Gd2O3 interfaces, Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 193513
DOI: 10.1063/1.3028071 -
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, A. Fissel (2008): Introducing crystalline rare-earth oxides into Si technologies, physica status solidi A 205 (2008) 695
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.200723509 -
M. Badylevich, S. Shamuilia, V. V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2008): Electronic structure at interfaces of cubic Gd2O3 with embedded Si nanocrystals, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 2382
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2008.09.002 -
M. Czernohorsky, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, H.-J. Osten, H. D. B. Gottlob, M. Schmidt, M. C. Lemme, H. Kurz (2008): Stability of Crystalline Gd2O3 Thin Films on Silicon during Rapid Thermal Annealing, Semiconductor Science and Technology 23 (2208) 035010
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/23/3/035010 -
Q.-Q. Sun, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, S.-J. Ding, D. W. Zhang, A. Fissel (2008): Electrical Characterization of Ultrathin Single Crystalline Gd2O3/Si(100) with Pt Top Electrode, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology (ICSICT 2008) 1276
DOI: 10.1109/ICSICT.2008.4734784 -
Q.-Q. Sun, A. Laha, S.-J. Ding, D. W. Zhang, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2008): Observation of near interface oxide traps in single crystalline Nd2O3 on Si(111) by quasistatic C-V method, Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 083509
DOI: 10.1063/1.2976325 -
Q.-Q. Sun, S.-J. Ding, D. W. Zhang, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2008): Effective passivation of slow interface states at the interface of single crystalline Gd2O3 and Si(100), Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 152908
DOI: 10.1063/1.2912523 -
T. Dürkop, E. Bugiel, I. Costina, A. Ott, R. Peibst, K. R. Hofmann (2008): PE-CVD Fabrication of Germanium Nanoclusters for Memory Applications, Materials Science and Engineering: B 147 (2008) 213
DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2007.08.022 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2008): Relaxed germanium films on silicon (110), Thin Solid Films 517 (2008) 272
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2008.08.018 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2008): Tuning Strain Relaxation by Surface-Morphology: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Germanium on Silicon, Applied Surface Science 255 (2008) 778
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.07.030 -
V. V. Afanas’ev, M. Badylevich, A. Stesmans, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, W. Tian, L. F. Edge, D. G. Schlom (2008): Band offsets between Si and epitaxial rare earth sesquioxides (RE2O3, RE=La, Nd, Gd, Lu): Effect of 4f-shell occupancy, Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 192105
DOI: 10.1063/1.3003872 -
A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, H.-J. Osten (2007): Growth and Properties of Gadolinium Oxide Dielectric Layers on Silicon Carbide for High-K Application, Material Science Forum 556-557 (2007) 655
DOI: 10.4028/ -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2007): Epitaxial multi-component rare earth oxide for high-K application, Thin Solid Films 515 (2007) 6512
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2006.11.070 -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2007): Influence of interface layer composition on the electrical properties of epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films for high-K application, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 113508
DOI: 10.1063/1.2713142 -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2007): Engineering the interface between epitaxial lanthanide oxide thin films and Si substrates: a route towards tuning the electrical properties, Microelectronic Engineering 84 (2007) 2282
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2007.04.051 -
A. N. Nazarov, Y. V. Gomeniuk, Y. Y. Gomeniuk, H. D. B. Gottlob, M. Schmidt, M. C. Lemme, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2007): Charge trapping in ultrathin Gd2O3 high-K dielectrics, Microelectronic Engineering 84 (2007) 1968
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2007.04.136 -
E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2007): Integration of Functional Epitaxial Oxides into Silicon: A TEM Investigation, Microscopy and Microanalysis 13 (2007) 304
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607081524 -
E. Bugiel, M. Lewerenz, H.-J. Osten (2007): Fabrication of well-defined individual dislocations in SiGe as a novel one-dimensional system, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 37 (2007) 250
DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2006.07.004 -
E. Lipp, M. Eizenberg, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2007): Thermal Stability of Pt/ Epitaxial Gd2O3/ Si Stacks, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 996 (2007) H03-08
H.-J. Osten (2007): Kristalline Gate-Isolatoren für zukünftige MOS-Transistoren, Technologie-Informationen 02 (2007)
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2007): Crystalline Rare-Earth Oxides as High-k Materials for Future CMOS Technologies, ECS Transactions 11 (2007) 287
DOI: 10.1149/1.2779568 -
H.-J. Osten, D. Kühne, A. Laha, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2007): Integration of functional epitaxial oxides into silicon: From high-K application to nanostructures, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 25 (2007) 1039
DOI: 10.1116/1.2720858 -
H.-J. Osten, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2007): Fabrication of single crystalline insulator/Si/insulator double barrier nanostructures using cooperative vapor-solid-phase epitaxy, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 38 (2007) 6
DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2006.12.012 -
H.-J. Osten, E. Bugiel, M. Czernohorsky, Z. Elassar, O. Kirfel, A. Fissel (2007): Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Rare-Earth Oxides, In Topics in Applied Physics Volume 106: Rare Earth Oxide Thin Films, Editors M. Fanciulli & G. Scarel, Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg (2007) 101
DOI: 10.1007/11499893_7
ISBN: 978-3-540-35796-4 -
H.-J. Osten, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, A. Laha, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2007): Integration of functional epitaxial oxides into silicon: From high-K application to nanostructures, Microelectronic Engineering 84 (2007) 2222
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2007.04.092 -
K. Sokolowski-Tinten, U. Shymanovich, M. Nicoul, J. Blums, A. Tarasevitch, M. Horn-von-Hoegen, D. von der Linde, A. Morak, T. Wietler (2007): Energy relaxation and anomalies in the thermo-acoustic response of femtosecond laser-excited Germanium, Ultrafast Phenomena XV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 88 (2007) 597
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68781-8_192 -
M. Badylevich, S. Shamuilia, V. V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2007): Investigation of the electronic structure at interfaces of crystalline and amorphous Gd2O3 thin layers with silicon substrates of different orientations, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 252101
DOI: 10.1063/1.2746419 -
S. Zollner, J. P. Liu, P. Zaumseil, H.-J. Osten, A. A. Demkov (2007): Dielectric functions, elasto-optical effects, and critical-point parameters of biaxially stressed Si1-yCy alloys on Si(001), Semiconductor Science and Technology 22 (2007) S13
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/22/1/S04 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2007): Surfactant‐Mediated Epitaxy of Germanium on Structured Silicon Substrates: Towards Embedded Germanium, AIP Conference Proceedings 893 (2007) 67
DOI: 10.1063/1.2729773 -
U. Shymanovich, M. Nicoul, J. Blums, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, A. Tarasevitch, T. Wietler, M. Horn von Hoegen, D. von der Linde (2007): Diffraction of strongly convergent X-rays from picosecond acoustic transients, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 87 (2007) 7
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-007-3863-6 -
A. Fissel, D. Kuehne, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Novel Approach for Fabrication of Single-Crystalline Insulator/Si/Insulator Nanostructure, MRS Proceedings 928: Current and Future Trends of Functional Oxide Films, Editors: D. Kumar, V. Craciun, M. Alexe, K. K. Singh (2006) 0928-GG03-04
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-0928-GG03-04 -
A. Fissel, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Cooperative solid-vapor-phase epitaxy: An approach for fabrication of single crystalline insulator/Si/insulator nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 153105
DOI: 10.1063/1.2192979 -
A. Fissel, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Fabrication of single-crystalline insulator/Si/insulator nanostructures, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24 (2006) 2041
DOI: 10.1116/1.2213266 -
A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, C. L. Wang, H.-J. Osten (2006): Formation of twinning-superlattice regions by artificial stacking of Si layers, Journal of Crystal Growth 290 (2006) 392
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2006.02.009 -
A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, C. R. Wang, H.-J. Osten (2006): Formation of Si twinning-superlattice; First steps towards Si-polytype growth, Materials Science and Engineering: B 134 (2006) 138
DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2006.06.046 -
A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2006): Characterization of crystalline rare-earth oxide high-K dielectrics grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon carbide, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24 (2006) 2115
DOI: 10.1116/1.2214702 -
A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2006): Growth and characterization of crystalline gadolinium oxide on silicon carbide for high-K application, Superlattices and Microstructures 40 (2006) 551
DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2006.07.002 -
A. Fissel, Z. Elassar, O. Kirfel, E. Bugiel, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2006): Interface Formation during Molecular beam Epitaxial Growth of Neodymium Oxide on Silicon, Journal of Applied Physics 99 (2006) 074105
DOI: 10.1063/1.2188051 -
A. Laha, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Crystalline ternary rare earth oxides with capacitance equivalent thickness below 1 nm for high-K application, Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 172107
DOI: 10.1063/1.2198518 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.J. Osten, A. Fissel (2006): Erratum: Crystalline ternary rare earth oxide with capacitance equivalent thickness below 1 nm for high-K application [Applied Physics Letters 88, 172107 (2006)], Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 139901
DOI: 10.1063/1.2354313 -
A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2006): Impact of Si substrate orientations on electrical properties of crystalline Gd2O3 thin films for high-K application, Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 143514
DOI: 10.1063/1.2360209 -
E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, O. Kirfel, M. Czernohorsky (2006): TEM Investigations of Epitaxial High-k Dielectrics on Silicon, Springer Proceedings in Physics 107: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Editors A. G. Cullis & J. L. Hutchinson, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2006) 343
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-31915-8_73
ISBN: 978-3-540-31914-6 -
G. Krause, M. F. Beug, R. Ferretti, S. Prasad, K. R. Hofmann (2006): High-Field Degradation of Poly-Si Gate p-MOS and n-MOS Devices with Nitrided Oxides, IEEE Transactions: Device and Materials Reliability 6 (2006) 473
DOI: 10.1109/TDMR.2006.881459 -
G. Krause, M. F. Beug, T. Müller, T. Mikolajick, K. R. Hofmann (2006): 1/f Noise Analysis of a 75 nm Twin-Flash Technology Non-Volatile Memory Cell, Proceedings of the 7th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (2006) 12
DOI: 10.1109/NVMT.2006.378867 -
H. D. B. Gottlob, T. Echtermeyer, M. Schmidt, T. Mollenhauer, J. K. Efavi, T. Wahlbrink, M. C. Lemme, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten, H. Kurz (2006): 0.86 nm CET Gate Stacks with Epitaxial Gd2O3 High-K Dielectrics and FUSI NiSi Metal Electrodes, IEEE Electron Device Letters 27 (2006) 814
DOI: 10.1109/LED.2006.882581 -
H. D. B. Gottlob, T. Echtermeyer, T. Mollenhauer, J. Efavi, M. Schmidt, T. Wahlbrink, M. C. Lemme, H. Kurz, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2006): CMOS Integration of Epitaxial Gd2O3 High-K Gate Dielectrics, Solid State Electronics 50 (2006) 979
DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2006.04.018 -
H. D. B. Gottlob, T. Echtermeyer, T. Mollenhauer, M. Schmidt, J. K. Efavi, T. Wahlbrink, M. C. Lemme, H. Kurz, R. Endres, Y. Stefanov, U. Schwalke, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Approaches to CMOS integration of epitaxial gadolinium oxide high-K dielectrics, Proceedings of the 36th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (2006) 150
DOI: 10.1109/ESSDER.2006.307660 -
H.-J. Osten (2006): Auf dem Weg zur Nanoelektronik, Tele Kommunikation Aktuell 07-12 (2006)
H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, O. Kirfel, Z. Elassar, E. Bugiel, M. Czernohorsky (2006): Interface formation during epitaxial growth of binary metal oxides on silicon, Nano-Electronic Semiconductor Devices: Defects in High-k Gate Dielectric Stacks, Editor E. Gusev, Springer Netherlands (2006) 361
DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4367-8_29
ISSN: 978-1-4020-4365-9 -
H.-J. Osten, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, D. Kuehne, A. Fissel (2006): Interface Engineering During Epitaxial Growth of High-K Lanthanide Oxides on Silicon, MRS Proceedings 917: Gate Stack Scaling - Materials Selection, Role of Interfaces, and Reliability Implications, Editors: R. Jammy, A. Shanware, V. Misra, Y. Tsunashima, S. DeGendt (2006) 0917-E10-04
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-0917-E10-04 -
J. Wollschläger, C. Deiter, M. Bierkandt, A. Gerdes, M. Bäumer, C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2006): Homogeneous Si Films on CaF2/Si(111) due to Boron Enhanced Solid Phase Epitaxy, Surface Science 600 (2006) 3637
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2005.12.071 -
M. Czernohorsky, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, O.Kirfel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Impact of Oxygen Supply during Growth on the Electrical Properties of Crystalline Gd2O3 Thin Films on Si(001), Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 152905
DOI: 10.1063/1.2194227 -
S. Zollner, V. Vartanian, J. P. Liu, P. Zaumseil, H.-J. Osten, A. A. Demkov, B.-Y. Nguyen (2006): Optical properties, elasto-optical effects, and critical-point parameters of biaxially stressed Si1-yCy alloys on Si (001), Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM) (2006) 1
DOI: 10.1109/ISTDM.2006.246604 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2006): Residual strain in Ge films grown by surfactant-mediated epitaxy on Si(111) and Si(001) substrates, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 9 (2006) 659
DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2006.08.014 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2006): Surfactant Mediated Epitaxy of High-Quality Low-Doped Relaxed Germanium Films on Silicon (001), Thin Solid Films 508 (2006) 6
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2005.08.410 -
A. Fissel (2005): Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Semiconductor Nanostructures Based on SiC, Materials Science Forum 483 (2005) 163
DOI: 10.4028/ -
A. Fissel, C. Wang, E. Bugiel, H.J. Osten (2005): Epitaxial growth of non-cubic silicon, Microelectronics Journal 36 (2005) 506
DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2005.02.064 -
E. Bugiel, H. J. Osten, A. Fissel, O. Kirfel, M. Czernohorsky (2005): TEM investigations of epitaxial high-k dielectrics on silicon, Springer Proceedings in Physics 107 (2005) 343
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-31915-8_73 -
H.-J. Osten (2005): Carbon-doping of SiGe, Silicon Heterostructure Handbook: Materials, Fabrication, Devices, Circuits and Applications of SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy, Editor J. D. Cressler, CRC Press (2005)
ISBN: 978-1-4200-2658-0 -
H.J. Osten, E. Bugiel, O. Kirfel, M. Czernohorsky, A. Fissel (2005): MBE growth and properties of epitaxial metal oxides for high-k dielectrics, Journal of Crystal Growth 278 (2005) 18
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2004.12.051 -
M. F. Beug, R. Ferretti, K. R. Hofmann (2005): Polarity dependent generation of gate-side and substrate-side border traps in nitrided gate oxides, Microelectronic Engineering 80 (2005) 444
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2005.04.104 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2005): Surfactant Mediated Epitaxy of Relaxed Low-Doped Ge Films on Si(001) with Low Defect Densities, Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 182102
DOI: 10.1063/1.2120900 -
H.J. Osten, J. Dabrowski, H.-J. Müssig, A. Fissel, V. Zavodinsky (2004): High-K dielectrics: the example of Pr2O3, Challenges in Process Simulation, (ed.J. Dabrowski and E.R. Weber, Springer Verlag 2004), pp. 259-293
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-09432-7_7 -
A. Fissel (2003): Artificially layered heteropolytypic Structures based on SiC Polytypes: Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Characterization and Properties, Physics Reports 379 (2003) 149
DOI: 10.1016/S0370-1573(02)00632-4 -
A. Fissel, H.J. Osten, E. Bugiel (2003): Towards understanding epitaxial growth of alternative high-k dielectrics on Si(001): Application to praseodymium oxide, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 21 (2003) 1765
DOI: 10.1116/1.1589516 -
A. Fissel, J. Dabrowski (2003): Si Adsorption on SiC(0001) Surfaces, Surface Review and Letters 10 (2003) 849
DOI: 10.1142/S0218625X03005645 -
F. Bechstedt, A. Fissel, J. Furthmüller, U. Kaiser, H.-C. Weisker, W. Wesch (2003): Quantum structures in SiC, Applied Surface Science 212-213 (2003) 820
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-4332(03)00068-0 -
H.J. Osten, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2003): Epitaxial Praseodymium Oxide: A New High-K Dielectric, Material Research Society Symposium Proceeding 744 (2003) 15
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-744-M1.5 -
H.J. Osten, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2003): Epitaxial praseodymium oxide: a new high-k dielectric, Solid-State Electronics 47 (2003) 2165
DOI: 10.1016/S0038-1101(03)00190-4 -
A. Fissel (2002): About heteropolytypic Structures: Molecular beam epitaxy, characterization and properties of Silicon Carbide, Recent Research Developments in Materials Science and Engineering 1; Transworld Research Network, Fort P.O., Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 2002, pp. 277-327
ISBN: 978-8178950570 -
A. Fissel, J. Dabrowski, H.J. Osten (2002): Photoemission and ab initio theoretical study of interface and film formation during epitaxial growth and annealing of praseodymium oxide on Si(001), Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 8986
DOI: 10.1063/1.1471943 -
F. Bechstedt, A. Fissel, U. Grossner, U. Kaiser, H.-C. Weisker, W. Wesch (2002): Towards quantum structures in SiC, Materials Science Forum 389-393 (2002) 737
DOI: 10.4028/ -
U. Kaiser, Th. Kups, A. Fissel, W. Richter (2002): Structure of SiC quantum wells studied by TEM and CBED, Crystal Research and Technology 37 (2002) 466
DOI: 10.1002/1521-4079(200205)37:5<466::AID-CRAT466>3.0.CO;2-I
J. Schäfer, J. Krügener, H. Genath, M. Rosebrock, M.A. Schubert, B. Min, C. Hollemann, R. Peibst (2024): Nickel oxidized by firing on poly-Si as recombination layer & hole-selective contact in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells, 14th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (SiliconPV), Chambery, France, 15. - 19.04.2024
R. Clausing, J. Vollbrecht, R. Peibst, J. Krügener, A. Liu (2024): Perovskite and silicon - also a good match without inter-poisoning?, tandemPV International Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25. - 27.06.2024
C. Margenfeld, L. Peters, C. Ronning, J. Krügener, J. Hartmann, A. Waag (2023): Engineering the High-Temperature Annealing Process of Aluminium Nitride by Ion Implantation, 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS14), Fukuoka, Japan, 12. - 17.11.2023
H. Genath, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2023): Growth of Nd₂O₃ layers on germanium-rich, (111)-oriented SiGe layers, International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICS) / International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM) 2023, Como, Italy, 21. - 25.05.2023
L. Salomon, G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2023): Vehicle-Integrated Photovoltaics: Challenges on Electronics for Maximum Power Output, The Eighth International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip (PwrSoC), Hannover, Germany, 27. - 29.09.2023
L. Salomon, R. Peibst, M. Rienäcker, J. Krügener (2023): Optimisation of Photolithographic Fabrication of Photonic Crystals on Rough Wafers for High Efficiency Solar Cells, 13th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (13th SiliconPV), Delft, The Netherlands, 11. - 14.04.2023
M. Rienäcker, J. Maksimovic, Y. Larionova, S. Hock Ng, T. Katkus, T. Pinedo Rivera, M. Stuiber, J. Krügener, F. Haase, R. Brendel, S. John, S. Juodkazis, R. Peibst (2023): Integration of photonic crystals in highly efficient POLO²-IBC cells – interplay between structural, optical and electrical properties, 13th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (13th SiliconPV), Delft, The Netherlands, 11. - 14.04.2023
U. Singh, H. Genath, R. Sarkar, J. Krügener, H.J. Osten, A. Laha (2023): All Epitaxy Nd2O3/AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMT on semi-insulating (0001) 4H-SiC: Increased thermal stability at 473 K, 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS14), Fukuoka, Japan, 12. - 17.11.2023
C. Margenfeld, L. Peters, J. Krügener, C. Ronning, A. Waag (2022): Enhancing Dislocation Annihilation in High-Temperature-Annealed AlN Templates by Ion Implantation, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2022), Berlin, Germany, 09.-14.10.2022
G. Wetzel, L. Salomon, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2022): Assessment of required MPPT speed based on measured transient irradiance and dynamic electrical modelling for VIPV applications, 33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33), Nagoya, Japan, 13.-17.11.2022
H. Genath, H.-J. Osten (2022): Pseudomorphically Strained Ge Layers on (111)-oriented Virtual Si1-xGex Substrates, LNQE Nanoday 2022, Hannover, Germany, 22.09.2022
H. Genath, J. Norberg, B. Wolpensinger, H. J. Osten (2022): Analysis of thin germanium-rich SiGe layers on Si(111) substrates, International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors 2022, Sydney, Australia, 27.06.-30.06.2022
H. Genath, J. Norberg, B. Wolpensinger, H.-J. Osten (2022): Investigation of the temperature stability of germanium-rich SiGe layers on Si(111) substrates, LNQE Nanoday 2022, Hannover, Germany, 22.09.2022
L. Peters, C. Margenfeld, H. Spende, J. Krügener, C. Ronning, A. Waag (2022): A Combination of Ion Implantation and High-Temperature Annealing: The Origin of the 265 nm Absorption in AlN, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2022), Berlin, Germany, 09.-14.10.2022
L. Salomon, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2022): Photolithographic fabrication of photonic crystals on monocrystalline silicon, LNQE Nanoday 2022, Hannover, Germany, 22.09.2022
G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, B. Stannowski, S. Janke, R. Peibst (2021): Transient Electrical Characteristics of Hetero Junction Solar Cells under Fast Transient Illumination, 11th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (11th SiliconPV), online event, 19. - 23.04.2021
G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2021): From basic studies of transient shading effects to test drives with a PV-equipped light commercial vehicle, 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (38th EUPVSEC), online event, 06. - 10.09.2021
H. Genath, Y. Barnscheidt, H. J. Osten (2021): Epitaxy of Gd2O3 layers on virtual SiGe substrates on Si(111), German MBE Workshop 2021, online event, 14. - 15.10.2021
J. Krügener, M. Rienäcker, S. Schäfer, M. Sanchez, S. Wolter, R. Brendel, S. John, H.-J. Osten, R. Peibst (2021): Towards 28 % Efficient Si Single Junction Solar Cells with Photonic Crystals, 11th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (11th SiliconPV), online event, 19. - 23.04.2021
J. Norberg, H. Genath, H. J. Osten (2021): Investigation of the temperature stability of germanium-rich SiGe layers on Si(111) substrates, German MBE Workshop 2021, online event, 14. - 15.10.2021
M. Rienäcker, Y. Larionova, J. Krügener, S. Wolter, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2021): Rear side dielectrics on interdigitating p + -(i)-n + back-contact solar cells - hydrogenation vs. charge effects, 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (38th EUPVSEC), online event, 26. 30.09.2021
R. Peibst, H. Fischer, M. Brunner, A. Schiessel, S. Wöhe, R. Wecker, F. Haase, H. Schulte-Huxel, S. Blankemeyer, M. Köntges, C. Hollemann, R. Brendel, G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, H. Nonnenmacher, H. Mehlich, A. Salavei, K. Ding, A. Lambertz, B. Pieters, S. Janke, B. Stannowski, L. Korte (2021): Demonstration of feeding VIPV converted energy into the high voltage on board network of practical light commercial vehicles for range extension, 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (38th EUPVSEC), online event, 06. - 10.09.2021
G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2020): For VIPV applications: Investigation of transient shading with high time resolution under different environmental conditions, 30th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-30), Jeju, South Korea, 08.-13.11.2020
J. Krügener, G. Wetzel, C. Hollemann, F. Haase, R. Peibst, H.-J. Osten (2020): Optimization of Doping Profiles in IBC pin Layout using Poly-Si-based Passivating Contacts, 30th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-30), Jeju, South Korea, 08.-13.11.2020
A. Fissel (2019): Thermodynamics and kinetics of nanocluster formation on semiconductor surfaces, 21st International Conference on Materials, Methods and Technologies, Burgas, Bulgaria, 01.-05.07.2019.
A. Fissel (invited) (2019): Thermodynamics and kinetics of nanocluster formation on semiconductor surfaces: the example of Si on SiC(0001), XXth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2019), Kolkata, India, 17. - 20.12.2019
F. Haase, C. Hollemann, S. Schäfer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2019): Transferring the record p-type Si POLO-IBC cell technology towards an industrial level, 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (46th IEEE PVSC), Chicago, USA, 16. - 22.06.2019
G. Wetzel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst, A. Dietrich, B. Nacke, H. J. Osten (2019): Simulation of solar cell performance based on in the field measured ambience parameters, 9th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (9th SiliconPV), Leuven, Belgium, 08. - 10.04.2019
H. Genath, J. Schmidt, H.J. Osten (2019): Carbon-mediated Epitaxy of Germanium-rich SiGe Layers on Si(111) Substrates, LNQE Nanoday 2019, Hannover, Germany, 10.10.2019
J. Krügener, F. Haase, C. Hollemann, H.-J. Osten, R. Peibst (2019): Dopant diffusion through pinholes and continuous oxide layers in n-type polysilicon on oxide (POLO) passivating contacts, 29th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-29), Xi'an, China, 04.-08.11.2019
J. Krügener, F. Haase, C. Hollemann, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, H.-J. Osten (2019): Surface passivation of in situ doped n-type polysilicon on oxide (POLO) layers for silicon solar cells, 29th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-29), Xi'an, China, 04.-08.11.2019
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23832.75529 -
P. Gribisch, A. Fissel (2019): Tuning of morphology and crystal structure of Gd2O3 grown on Si(001), XXth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2019), Kolkata, India, 17.-20.12.2019
P. Gribisch, A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel (2019): Growth and dielectric properties of monoclinic Gd2O3 on Si(001), 2nd Joint ISTDM / ICSI 2019 Conference, Madison, USA, 02.-06.06.2019
DOI: 10.1149/09301.0057ecst -
S. Schäfer, F. Haase, C. Hollemann, J. Hensen, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2019): 26%-Efficient and 2 cm Narrow Interdigitated Back Contact Silicon Solar Cells with Passivated Slits on Two Edges, 9th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (9th SiliconPV), Leuven, Belgium, 08.-10.04.2019
Y. Barnscheidt, H. J. Osten (2019): Carbon-Modified-Germanium-Epitaxy: Filtering Threading Dislocations with Carbon Delta Layers, 2nd Joint ISTDM / ICSI 2019 Conference, Madison, USA, 02.-06.06.2019
Y. Barnscheidt, J. Schmidt, and H. J. Osten (2019): Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of the Periodic Dislocation Network of Ge/Si Heterostructures, 2019 International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics (FCMN), Monterey, USA, 02.-04.04.2019
DOI: 10.1149/09301.0067ecst -
A. Grimm, J. Ruhkopf, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler (2018): Epitaxial Gd2O3 as surface domain indicator: Towards single domain Ge films grown on Si by surfactant-mediated epitaxy, German MBE Workshop 2018, Freiburg, Germany, 11.-12.10.2018
C. Klamt, V. Krausse, M. Rienäcker, F. Haase, J. Krügener, N. Folchert, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2018): Intrinsic poly-crystalline silicon region in between the p+ and n+ POLO contacts of an 26.1%-efficient IBC solar cell, 35th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (35th EU PVSEC), Brussels, Belgium, 24.-28.09.2018
F. Haase, C. Klamt, S. Schäfer, A. Merkle, M. Rienäcker, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2018): Laser Contact Openings for Local Poly-Si-Metal Contacts, 8th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (8th SiliconPV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 19.-21.03.2018
J. Krügener (2018): The way towards high efficiency silicon-based solar cells, IEEE Bombay Section, Indian Institute of Technolgoy Bombay, Mumbai, Indien, 8. November 2018
J. Krügener, F. Haase, R. Peibst, H. J. Osten (invited) (2018): Ion implantation for photovoltaic applications: Review and outlook for silicon solar cells, 12th Ion Implantation and other Applications of Ions and Electrons 2018 (ION2018), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 18.-21.06.2018
J. Krügener, F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, H. J. Osten (2018): Ion implantation of As, B, P, BF and BF2 on planar and alkaline-textured Si(001) surfaces for photovoltaic applications, 22nd International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology (IIT), Würzburg, Germany, 16.-21.09.2018
DOI: 10.1109/IIT.2018.8807962 -
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, T. F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2018): Carbon-mediated epitaxy of SiGe virtual substrates on Si(001), 1st Joint ISTDM / ICSI 2018 Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 27.-31.05.2018
K. R. Khiangte, J. S. Rathore, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten, A. Laha, S. Mahapatra (2018): Molecular beam epitaxy of wafer-scale all-epitaxial GeSn-on-insulator on Si(111), 20th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2018) Shanghai, China, 02.-07.09.2018
L. Montañez, I. Strauß, J. Caro, H. J. Osten (2018): Effect of interface states in thin films of metal organic frameworks obtained by the spray-coating method, XXVIII. International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC2018), Florence, Italy, 15-20.07.2018
L. Montañez, I. Strauß, J. Caro, H.J. Osten (2018): Impact of border traps in p-Si/Cu3(BTC)2/Al based MIS capacitors, EMN Meeting on Metal-Organic Frameworks, Barcelona, Spain, 10.-14.09.2018
P. Gribisch, J. Schmidt, H. J. Osten, A. Fissel (2018): Influence of Gd2O3 nanostructure formation on crystal structure and surface morphology during growth on Si(001), German MBE Workshop 2018, Freiburg, Germany, 11.-12.10.2018
R. Peibst, N. Folchert, F. Haase, C. Klamt, Y. Larionova, J. Krügener, A. Merkle, B. Min, M. Rienäcker, U. Römer, S. Schäfer, D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, R. Brendel (invited) (2018): In-depth Study of poly-Si/Oxide/c-Si Junctions and p+ poly-Si/n+ Poly-Si Tunneling Junctions for Applications in Si Single Junction and Si-Based Tandem Cells, MRS Fall Metting 2018, Boston, USA, 25.-30.11.2018
T. Wietler, D. Tetzlaff, A. Feldhoff, Y. Larionova, M. Turcu, S. Reiter, B. Min, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2018): Formation of a Resistive SiOx Layer at the Interface of Poly-Si to Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide, 8th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (8th SiliconPV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 19.-21.03.2018
Y. Barnscheidt, J. Schmidt, G. Wetzel, D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2018): Highly Boron Doped Germanium grown by Carbon-Mediated-Epitaxy, 1st Joint ISTDM / ICSI 2018 Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 27.-31.05.2018
Y. Barnscheidt, J. Schmidt, G. Wetzel, D. Tetzlaff, T.F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2018): Highly boron-doped germanium layers on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, Summer school on defects in semiconductors, Gent, Belgium, 10.-14.09.2018
Y. Barnscheidt, J. Schmidt, G. Wetzel, D. Tetzlaff, T.F. Wietler, H. J. Osten (2018): Ultra-high boron-doped Ge grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, German MBE Workshop 2018, Freiburg, Germany, 11.-12.10.2018
D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, F. Haase, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. F. Wietler (2017): A Simple Method for Pinhole Detection in Carrier Selective POLO-Junctions for High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells, 7th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (7th SiliconPV), Freiburg, Germany, 03.-05.04.2017
D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, F. Haase, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. Wietler (2017): Junction Unchained - Pinhole Detection in Carrier-Selective POLO-Junctions, LNQE Nanoday 2017, Hannover, Germany, 28.09.2017
D. Tetzlaff, M. Dzinnik, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. F. Wietler (2017): Introducing Pinhole Magnification by Selective Etching: Application to Poly-Si on Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxide Films, 7th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (7th SiliconPV), Freiburg, Germany, 03.-05.04.2017
D. Tetzlaff, M. Dzinnik, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-d. Kähler, T. Wietler (2017): Tetramethylammoniumhydroxide - Pinhole Magnification by Selective Etching, LNQE Nanoday 2017, Hannover, Germany, 28.09.2017
F. Haase, S. Schäfer, F. Kiefer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2017): Perimeter recombination of 25 %-efficient IBC solar cells with passivating POLO contacts for both polarities, 44th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (44th IEEE PVSC), Washington, D.C., USA, 22.-30.06.2017
H. S. Laine, V. Vähänissi, Z. Liu, E. Magana, A. E. Morishige, J. Krügener, K. Salo, B. Lai, H. Salvin, D. P. Fenning (2017): Toward Effective Gettering in Boron-Implanted Silicon Solar Cells, 44th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (44th IEEE PVSC), Washington, D.C., USA, 22.-30.06.2017
H. S. Laine, V. Vähänissi, Z. Liu, E. Magaña, J. Krügener, A. E. Morishige, K. Salo, B. Lai, H. Savin and D. P. Fenning (2017): Unified model for iron gettering in boron- and phosphorus-implanted silicon, Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology 2017 (GADEST2017), Lopota Resort, Georgia, 01.-06.10.2017
J. Krügener, F. Haase, M. Rienäcker, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, H. J. Osten (2017): Improvement of the SRH Bulk Lifetime upon Formation of n-Type POLO Junctions for 25% Efficient Si Solar Cells, LNQE Nanoday 2017, Hannover, Germany, 28.09.2017
J. Krügener, F. Haase, M. Rienäcker, R. Brendel, R. Peibst, H.-J. Osten (2017): Improvement of the SRH Bulk Lifetime upon Formation of n-Type POLO Junctions for 25% Efficient Si Solar Cells, 7th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (7th SiliconPV), Freiburg, Germany, 03.-05.04.2017
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, H. J. Osten (2017): Carbon-mediated epitaxy of SiGe virtual substrates on Si(001), Austrian MBE Workshop 2017, Vienna, Austria, 28.-29.09.2017
L. M. Montanez Huaman, I. Strauß, J. Caro, H. J. Osten (2017): Application of thin Cu3(BTC)2 films in MOS devices, 2nd European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers, Delft, The Netherlands, 29.10.-01.11.2017
L. Montañez, I. Strauß, J. Caro, H. J. Osten (2017): Electronic properties of Cu3(BTC)2 based MOS capacitors, LNQE Nanoday 2017, Hannover, Germany, 28.09.2017
R. Peibst, S. Reiter, Y. Larionova, R.-R. Koch, R. Brendel, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, H. Mehlich (2017): Building blocks for industrial, screen-printed two sides-contacted POLO cells with highly transparent ZnO:Al layers, 33rd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (33rd EU PVSEC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25.-29.09.2017
S. Schäfer, F. Haase, C. Klamt, C. Kruse, F. Kiefer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2017): IBC solar cells with passivating POLO contacts for both polarities – revisiting optical losses, 8th workshop on back contact solar cell and module technology, Freiburg, Germany, 21.-22.11.2017
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, P. Gribisch, S. Herbers, A. R. Chaudhuri (invited) (2016): Si twinning superlattices on atomically flat mesas: Epitaxial growth and electrical characterization, 2016 Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research (CC3DMR), Incheon/Seoul, South Korea, 20.-24.06.2016
A. Joseph, D. Tetzlaff, J. Schmidt, R. Böttger, T.F. Wietler, H.J. Osten (2016): Properties of high-dose nitrogen implanted epitaxially grown Gd2O3 on silicon, EMN Meeting on Epitaxy, Budapest, Hungary, 04.-08.09.2016
A. Joseph, D. Tetzlaff, J. Schmidt, R. Böttger, T.F. Wietler, H.J. Osten (2016): Properties of high-dose nitrogen implanted epitaxially grown Gd2O3 on silicon, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Garching, Germany, 13.-14.10.2016
D. Muñoz, P.J. Ribeyron, S. Harrison, C. Allebé, A. Descoeudres, M. Despeisse, C. Reichel, S.W. Glunz, R. Peibst, A. Merkle, O. Nielsen, I. Martín, V. Mihailetchi, T. Söderström, B. Demaurex, S. de Wolf, H. Mehlich, J. Zhao, J. Alvarez, J. Dupuis, E. Macron, B. de Gier, M. Tallián, F. Korsós, L. Korte (2016): Status of the EU FP7 HERCULES Project: What Is the Potential of n-Type Silicon Solar Cells in Europe?, 32nd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (32nd EU PVSEC), Munich, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-2BO.3.6 -
D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. Wietler (2016): Evolution of Oxide Disruptions: The (W)hole Story About Passivating Contacts, 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (43rd IEEE PVSC), Portland, OR, USA, 05.-10.06.2016
DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2016.7749582 -
D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, T. Wietler (2016): Finding Pinholes in Carrier Selective Polycrystalline Si / Crystalline Si Contacts, 16th European Microscopy Conference, Lyon, france, 28.08.-02.09.2016
F. Haase, F. Kiefer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): IBC solar cells with polycrystalline on oxide (POLO) passivating contacts for both polarities, 26th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-26), Singapore, 24.-28.10.2016
H. Genath, J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, K. Gosh, A. Laha, and H.J. Osten (2016): Epitaxy of Gd2O3 Layers on Virtual GaN Substrates, LNQE Nanoday 2016, Hannover, Germany, 29.09.2016
H. Schulte-Huxel, F. Kiefer, S. Blankemeyer, R. Witteck, M. Vogt, M. Köntges, R. Brendel, J. Krügener, R. Peibst (2016): Flip-Flop Cell Interconnection Enabled by an Extremely High Bifaciality of Screen-Printed Ion Implanted N-PERT Si Solar Cells, 32nd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (32nd EU PVSEC), Munich, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016
J. Krügener, D. Tetzlaff, Y. Larionova, Y. Barnscheidt, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, J.-D. Kähler, T. Wietler (2016): Electrical deactivation of boron in p+-poly/SiOx/crystalline silicon passivating contacts for silicon solar cells, 21st International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology (IIT), Tainan, Taiwan, 26.-30.09.2016
DOI: 10.1109/IIT.2016.7882868 -
J. Krügener, F. Kiefer, M. Rienäcker, F. Haase, R. Peibst, H.J. Osten (2016): Ion implantation for photovoltaic applications: Review and outlook for n-type silicon solar cells, 21st International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology (IIT), Tainan, Taiwan, 26.-30.09.2016
DOI: 10.1109/IIT.2016.7882886 -
J. Krügener, F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, H.J. Osten (2016): Comparison of experimental emitter saturation current densities and simulated defect densities of boron-implanted emitters, 21st International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology (IIT), Tainan, Taiwan, 26.-30.09.2016
DOI: 10.1109/IIT.2016.7882856 -
J. Krügener, Y. Larionova, B. Wolpensinger, D. Tetzlaff, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Peibst, J.-D. Kähler, T. Wietler (2016): Dopant diffusion from p+-poly-Si into c-Si during thermal annealing, 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (43rd IEEE PVSC), Portland, OR, USA, 05.-10.06.2016
DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2016.7750083 -
J. Schmidt, M. Eilert, S. Peters, T. F. Wietler (2016): Characterization of Thin Si1-xGex Layers on Si(001) by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Ge Fractions from 0 to 100%, 7th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Berlin, Germany, 06.-10.06.2016
J.-D. Kähler, U. Höhne, J.J. Haase, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Low pressure chemical vapour deposition for in situ doped n+ POLO junctions in industrial silicon solar cells, 26th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-26), Singapore, 24.-28.10.2016
L. Montañez, J. A. Tofflinger, R. Grieseler, P. Fischer, A. Ben-Or, J. A. Guerra, R. Weingartner. H. J. Osten, A. Kribus (2016): Structural, optical, and interface properties of sputtered AlN thin films under different hydrogen dilution conditions, Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS 2016), Les Issambres, France, 25.-29.09.2016
M. Rienäcker, A. Merkle, U. Römer, H. Kohlenberg, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Recombination behavior of photolithography-free back junction back contact solar cells with carrier-selective polysilicon on oxide junctions for both polarities, 6th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (6th SiliconPV), Chambéry, France, 07.-09.03.2016
M. Rienäcker, M. Bossmeyer, A. Merkle, U. Römer, J. Krügener, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Junction Resistivity of Carrier-Selective Polycrystalline / Crystalline Silicon Junctions and Its Impact on the Solar Cell Performance, 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (43rd IEEE PVSC), Portland, OR, USA, 05.-10.06.2016
R. Brendel, M. Rienäcker, R. Peibst (2016): A Quantitative Measure for the Carrier Selectivity of Contacts to Solar Cells, 32nd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (32nd EU PVSEC), Munich, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-2CO.4.1 -
R. Peibst, U. Römer, Y. Larionova, M. Rienäcker, A. Merkle, N. Folchert, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, B. Min, J. Krügener, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, R. Brendel (2016): Working Principle of Carrier Selective Poly-Si/c-Si Junctions: Is Tunneling the Whole Story?, 6th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (6th SiliconPV), Chambéry, France, 07.-09.03.2016
R. Peibst, Y. Larionova, S. Reiter, M. Turcu, R. Brendel, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, H. Mehlich, S. Frigge (2016): Implementation of n+ and p+ poly-Si/c-Si junctions on front and rear side of double-side contacted industrial silicon solar cells, 32nd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (32nd EU PVSEC), Munich, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-2BO.3.2 -
S. Reiter, N. Koper, R. Reineke-Koch, Y. Larionova, M. Turcu, J. Krügener, D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler, R. Brendel, R. Peibst (2016): Parasitic Absorption In Polycrystalline Si-Layers For Carrier-Selective Front Junctions, 6th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics (6th SiliconPV), Chambéry, France, 07.-09.03.2016
Y. Larionova, R. Peibst, M. Turcu, S. Reiter, R. Brendel, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, U. Höhne, J.-D. Kähler (2016): Optimization of p+ poly-Si / c-Si junctions on wet-chemically grown interfacial oxides and on different wafer morphologies, 32nd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (32nd EU PVSEC), Munich, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20162016-2CO.4.3 -
A. Grimm, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H. J. Osten and T. F. Wietler (2015): In situ observation of low temperature growth of Ge on Si(111) via RHEED, International Workshop on SPA-LEED, Hannover, Germany, 28.05.-29.05.2015
A. Grimm, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H. J. Osten und T. F. Wietler (keynote talk) (2015): In situ observation of low temperature growth of Ge on Si(111) via RHEED, Fifth european conference on crystal growth (eccg5), Bologna, Italy, 09.-11.09.2015
A. Grimm, A. Katiyar, S. K. Ray, H. J. Osten and T. F. Wietler (2015): Room Temperature Photoluminescence of Strained Ge-layers, Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI), Hannover, Germany, 06.-07.07.2015
A. Grimm, L. C. Kähler, and T. F. Wietler (2015): Surface preparation of virtual Germanium substrates on Si(001), Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Paderborn, Germany, 21.-22.09.2015
A. Grimm, L. C. Kähler, T. F. Wietler (2015): Surface preparation of virtual Germanium substrates on Si(001), LNQE Nanoday 2015, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2015
A. R. Chaudhuri (invited) (2015): Tuning dielectric properties of epitaxial Lanthanide oxides on Si by defect passivation, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 29.11.-04.12.2015
A. R. Chaudhuri, H. J. Osten und A. Fissel (2015): Impact of boron on the step-free area formation during molecular beam epitaxial growth on MESA structures on Si(111), Fifth european conference on crystal growth (eccg5), Bologna, Italy, 09.-11.09.2015
A.Fissel (invited) (2015): Thermodynamics and kinetics of nanocluster formation on semiconductor surfaces, Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (3CG 2015), Hong Kong, China, 14.-17.12.2015
E. Köhnen, J. Krügener, and H.J. Osten (2015): Surface passivation of ion implanted, Al2O3-passivated p+ emitters, LNQE Nanoday 2015, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2015
J. Krügener, R. Peibst, E. Bugiel, D. Tetzlaff, F. Kiefer, M. Jestremski, R. Brendel, H.-J. Osten (2015): Ion Implantation of Boric Molecules for Silicon Solar Cells, 5th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (5th SiliconPV), Konstanz, Germany, 23.03.-25.03.2015
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel and T. F. Wietler (2015): Strained Ge layers on virtual Si1-xGex(001) substrates, Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI), Hannover, Germany, 06.07.-07.06.2015
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, and T. F. Wietler (2015): Strained Ge layers on virtual Si1-xGex(001) substrates, Fifth european conference on crystal growth (eccg5), Bologna, Italy, 09.-11.09.2015
J. Schmidt, M. Eilert and T. F. Wietler (2015): Characterization of Si1-xGex layers on Si(001) substrates by spectroscopic ellipsometry, LNQE Nanoday 2015, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2015
J. Werner, S.-J. Moon, P. Löper, A. Walter, M. Filipic, C.-H. Weng, L. Löfgren, J. Bailat, M. Topic, M. Morales Masis, R. Peibst, R. Brendel, S. Nicolay, S. de Wolf, B. Niesen, C. Ballif (2015): Towards ultra-high efficient photovoltaics with perovskite/crystalline silicon tandem devices, 31st European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (31st EU PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany, 14.-18.09.2015
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20152015-1AP.1.3 -
M. Eberstein, K. Reinhardt, S. Körner, F. Kiefer, R. Peibst (2015): Glass phase alignment in front side pastes for P- and N-type solar cells, Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), Shanghai, China, 15.-16.03.2015
DOI: 10.1109/CSTIC.2015.7153489 -
M. Möllers, C. Margenfeld, D. Schwendt, E. Bugiel, T. F. Wietler, and H. J. Osten (2015): Non-cubic Gd2O3 on Silicon (111) Substrates, LNQE Nanoday 2015, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2015
M. Möllers, C. Margenfeld, D. Schwendt, E. Bugiel, T. F. Wietler, and H. J. Osten (2015): Non-cubic Gd2O3 on Silicon (111) Substrates, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Paderborn, Germany, 21.-22.09.2015
R. Brendel, T. Dullweber, R. Peibst, C. Kranz, A. Merkle, D. Walter (2015): Breakdown of the Efficiency Gap to 29% Based on Experimental Input Data and Modelling, 31st European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (31st EU PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany, 14.-18.09.2015
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20152015-2BP.1.2 -
T. Dullweber, C. Kranz, R. Peibst, U. Baumann, H. Hannebauer, A. Fülle, S. Steckemetz, T. Weber, M. Kutzer, M. Müller, G. Fischer, P. Palinginis, D. H. Neuhaus (2015): The PERC+ Cell: a 21%-Efficient Industrial Bifacial PERC Solar Cell, 31st European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (31st EU PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany, 14.-18.09.2015
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20152015-2BO.4.3 -
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, and K. R. Hofmann (2015): How to get rid of the Sb in Surfactant-mediated Epitaxy of relaxed Germanium films on Silicon (001)?, 9th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI 9), Montreal, Kanada, 17.-22.05.2015
A. Fissel (invited) (2014): Impact of Surface Phase Coexistence on the Development of Step-free Areas on Si(111), Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (3CG 2014), Phuket, Thailand, 04.-07.11.2014
A. Fissel, A. R. Chaudhuri, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2014): Influence of “1×1” – (7×7) phase transition on step-free area formation in molecular beam epitaxial growth of Si on Si(111), 18th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE 2014), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 07.-12.09.2014
A. Grimm, A. Katiyar, S. K. Ray, H.-J. Osten, T. F. Wietler (2014): Room Temperature PL of strained Ge-layers, NanoDay 2014, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2014
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2014): Semiconductor/Oxide Heterostructures on Silicon for Future Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Devices and Beyond, European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology - HETECH 2014, Giessen, Germany, 12.-15.10.2014
A. Merkle, R. Peibst, R. Brendel (2014): High Efficient Fully Ion-Implanted, Co-Annealed and Laser-Structured Back Junction Back Contacted Solar Cells, 29th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (29th EU PVSEC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22.-26.09.2014
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20142014-2AV.2.61 -
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2014): Template assisted growth and dielectric properties of Gd2O3 thin films on Si(100), E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France, 26.-30.05.2014
C. Margenfeld (2014): Thermally induced phase change of rare earth oxides, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, 15.-16.09.2014
D. Tetzlaff (2014): Influence of growth temperature on strain relaxation of thin Ge films on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, 15.-16.09.2014
F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, T. Ohrdes, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten, R. Brendel (2014): Emitter Recombination Current Densities of Boron Emitters with Silver/Aluminum Pastes, 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-40), Denver, Colorado, 08.-13.06.2014
DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2014.6925514 -
H.-J. Osten (invited), D. Schwendt, A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, P. Shekhter, M. Eizenberg (2014): Tuning Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Lanthanide Oxides on Silicon, 225th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, 11.-15.05.2014
J. Krügener (2014): Structural investigations of textured silicon after ion implantation, 52. Treffen der Nutzergruppe Ionenimplantation, Dresden, Germany, 13.11.2014
J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, R. Peibst, F. Kiefer, T. Ohrdes, R. Brendel, H.-J. Osten (2014): Structural Investigation of Ion Implantation of Boron on Random Pyramid Textured Si(100) for Photovoltaic Applications, 20th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology (IIT), Portland, Oregon, USA, 26.06.-04.07.2014
DOI: 10.1109/IIT.2014.6940060 -
J. Krügener, R. Peibst, E. Bugiel, F. Kiefer, R. Brendel, H.J. Osten (2014): Ion implantation of elemental boron and boric molecules for silicon solar cells, LNQE Nanoday 2014, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2014
J. Schmidt (2014): Strained Ge layers on virtual Si1-xGex(001) substrates, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, 15.-16.09.2014
J. Schmidt, M. Möllers, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, T. F. Wietler (2014): Defect analysis of virtual SME-SiGe substrates on Si(001) by transmission electron microscopy, NanoDay 2014, Hannover, Germany, 01.10.2014
K. Ghosh, S. Das, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha (2014): Long term reliability study of epitaxial neodymium-gadolinium oxides (NGO) on Si substrates for future group IV based CMOS devices, E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France, 26.-30.05.2014
K. Katiyar, A. Grimm, A. Rakesh, R. Bar, T. Wietler, H.-J. Osten, S. K. Ray (2014): Optical Emission Characteristics of Compressively Strained Ge Films, Photonics 2014: 12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Kharagpur, India, 13.-16.12.2014
K. Takhar, M. Biswas, D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha (2014): Monolithic integration of high performance germanium (Ge) based infrared photodetector on silicon and Ge on insulator (GeOI) substrates, E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France, 26.-30.05.2014
P. Shekhter, A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Laha, S. Yehezkel, A. Shriki, H.-J. Osten, M. Eizenberg (2014): The influence of carbon doping on the electric behavior of Gd2O3 as high-k gate dielectric, AVS 61th International Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 09.-14.11.2014
R. Peibst, U. Römer, Y. Larionova, H. Schulte-Huxel, T. Ohrdes, M. Haberle, B. Lim, J. Krügener, D. Stichtenoth, T. Wütherich, C. Schöllhorn, J. Graff, R. Brendel (2014): Building blocks for back-junction back-contacted cells and modules with ion-implanted poly-Si junctions, 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), Denver, Colorado, USA, 08.-13.06.2014
DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2014.6925049 -
S. Körner, F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, F. Heinemeyer, J. Krügener, and M. Eberstein (2014): Basic Study on the Influence of Glass Composition and Aluminum Content on the Ag/Al Paste Contact Formation to Boron Emitters, 5th Workshop on Metallization for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Constance, Germany, 20.-21.10.2014
T. Ohrdes, R. Peibst, N.-P. Harder, P. P. Altermatt, R. Brendel (2014): Unified View on the Recombination-Induced Short-Circuit Current Losses in Solar Cells with High-Low Junctions, 29th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (29th EU PVSEC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22.-26.09.2014
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20142014-2BV.8.27 -
U. Römer, A. Merkle, R. Peibst, T. Ohrdes, B. Lim, J. Krügener, R. Brendel (2014): Ion-implanted Poly-Si / c-Si Junctions as a Back-surface Field in Back-Junction Back-Contacted Solar Cells, 29th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (29th EU PVSEC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22.-26.09.2014
DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20142014-2AV.3.61 -
Y. Larinova, F. Kiefer, B. Lim, F. Heinemeyer, R. Peibst, R. Brendel, M. Emsley, C. Dube, J. Graff (2014): Industrial ion implanted, co-annealed and fully screen-printed bifacial n-PERT solar cells with low-doped back-surface fields, 4th nPV workshop, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, 27.-28.03.2014
A. Fissel (2013): Thermodynamics and kinetics of nanocluster formation on semiconductor surfaces, 21st International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering ICCE-21, Tenerife, Spain, 21.-27.07.2013
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2013): Impact of surface phase transformation on the epitaxial growth of Si on Si(111), 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-17), Warzaw, Poland, 11.-16.08.2013
A. Grimm (2013): In-situ Untersuchung des epitaktischen Wachstums von Ge auf Si(111) mit RHEED, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Dresden, Germany, 30.09.-01.10.2013
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Nitrogen Doped Epitaxial Gd2O3 Thin Films on Si, E-MRS 2013 Fall Meeting, Warzaw, Poland, 16.-20.09.2013
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Improving Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Gd2O3 Thin Films on Si by Dopant Incorporation, 30th North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE 2013), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 05.-11.10.2013
A. R. Chaudhuri, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Nitrogen Doped Epitaxial Gd2O3 Thin Films on Si, NanoDay 2013, Hannover, Germany, 10.10.2013
D. Schwendt, P. Shekhter, M. Eizenberg, H.-J. Osten (2013): Tuning the properties of rare-earth oxides for advanced nano-electronic applications, First Conference of Scientific Cooperation between Lower Saxony and Israel, Hannover, Germany, 06.-07.10.2013
D. Tetzlaff (2013): Kohlenstoff-unterstützte Epitaxie von Germanium auf Silizium, Vakuumtag, Hannover, Germany, 09.10.2013
D. Tetzlaff, T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Carbon-mediated Epitaxy of Ge on Si, NanoDay 2013, Hannover, Germany, 10.10.2013
D. Tetzlaff, T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Influence of growth temperature on strain relaxation of thin Ge films on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, 8th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-8), Fukuoka, Japan, 02.-06.06.2013
E. Bugiel, F. Schulze Wischeler (2013): Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie am LNQE: Neue Angebote an diagnostischen Möglichkeiten, LNQE-Kolloquium, Hannover, Germany, 16.01.2013
F. Dross, A. Merkle, E. van Kerschaver, S. Baker-Finch, K. Cabanas-Holmen, R. Peibst, N.-P. Harder, R. Brendel, P. A. Basore (2013): Analysis of RISE-IBC Solar Cells, 28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (28th EU PVSEC), Paris, France, 30.09.-04.10.2013
DOI: 10.4229/28thEUPVSEC2013-2CV.3.48 -
F. Kiefer, R. Peibst, T. Ohrdes, T. Dullweber, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten, C. Schöllhorn, A. Grohe, R. Brendel (2013): Analyzing the recombination current densities in industrial like n-type PERT solar cells exceeding 20% efficiency, Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-23), Taipeh, Taiwan, 28.10.-01.11.2013
H.-J. Osten (2013): Forschungsaktivitäten am MBE Institut, Vakuumtag, Hannover, Germany, 09.10.2013
H.-J. Osten (2013): Elektronik: gestern - heute - morgen, VDI AK Mikroelektronik, Mikro- und Feinwerktechnik, Hannover, Germany, 09.10.2013
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2013): Improving Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Lanthanide Oxides on Silicon, AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA, 27.10.-01.11.2013
J. Krügener, F. A. Wolf, R. Peibst, F. Kiefer, C. Schöllhorn, A. Grohe, R. Brendel, H.-J. Osten (2013): Correlation of dislocation line densities and emitter saturation current densities of ion implanted boron emitters, Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-23), Taipeh, Taiwan, 28.10.-01.11.2013
J. Krügener, N.-P. Harder (2013): Weak Light Performance of PERC, PERT and Standard Industrial Solar Cells, 3rd SiliconPV, Hamelin, Germany, 24.-27.03.2013
J. Schmidt (2013): Epitaxie von Germanium auf virtuellen SiGe(001)-Substraten, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Dresden, Germany, 30.09.-01.10.2013
J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, T. F. Wietler (2013): Epitaxy of germanium on virtual Si1-xGex(001) substrates, NanoDay 2013, Hannover, Germany, 10.10.2013
R. Bar, S. Manna, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, S. K. Ray (2013): Si1-xGex Nanocrystals Embedded in Epitaxial Gd2O3 on p-Si (111) Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Nanocrystal Based Flash Memory Devices, International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference in Asia – 2013 (IUMRS-ICA-2013), Bangalore, India, 16.-20.12.2013
R. Brendel, T. Dullweber, R. Gogolin, H. Hannebauer, N.-P. Harder, J. Hensen, S. Kajari-Schröder, R. Peibst, J. H. Petermann, U. Römer, J. Schmidt, H. Schulte-Huxel, V. Steckenreiter (2013): Recent Progress and Options for Future Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, 28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (28th EU PVSEC), Paris, France, 30.09.-04.10.2013
DOI: 10.4229/28thEUPVSEC2013-2BP.1.1 -
R. Peibst, N.-P. Harder, A. Merkle, T. Neubert, S. Kirstein, J. Schmidt, F. Dross, P. A. Basore, R. Brendel (2013): High-Efficiency RISE-IBC Solar Cells: Influence of Rear Side-Passivation on pn-Junction Meander Recombination, 28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (28th EU PVSEC), Paris, France, 30.09.-04.10.2013
DOI: 10.4229/28thEUPVSEC2013-2CO.4.1 -
T. F. Wietler, J. Schmidt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel (2013): Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Silicon-Germanium Films on Silicon (001) Substrates, 8th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-8), Fukuoka, Japan, 02.-06.06.2013
A. Fissel (invited tutorial) (2012): Semiconductor Epitaxy: From Science to Nanotechnology, International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Mumbai, India, 15.-17.12.2012
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten (2012): Preparation of large step-free mesas on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy, E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting, Symposium A: Advanced Silicon Materials Research for Electronic and Photovoltaic Applications, Strasbourg, France, 14.-18.05.2012
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2012): Encapsulated solid phase epitaxy of Ge quantum well embedded into epitaxial rare earth oxide, 17th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Nara, Japan, 23.-28.09.2012
D. Schwendt (2012): Spannungseffekte in dünnen, epitaktischen Seltene Erden-Oxiden, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Hannover, Germany, 11.-12.09.2012
D. Schwendt (2012): Röntgendiffraktometrie an dünnen epitaktischen Schichten, Bruker XRD Anwendertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany, 09.-10.10.2012
D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten (2012): Influence of strain on dielectric properties of rare earth oxides, 17th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM 2012), Dresden, Germany, 25.-27.06.2012
D. Tetzlaff (2012): Untersuchung der Relaxation bei der Kohlenstoff-unterstützten Epitaxie von Ge auf Si, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Hannover, Germany, 11.-12.09.2012
D. Tetzlaff , T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2012): Strain relaxation of thin Ge films on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy, 17th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Nara, Japan, 23.-28.09.2012
H.-J. Osten (2012): Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon for CMOS and Beyond, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India, 13.12.2012
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2012): Strain-driven enhancement of dielectric properties in thin metal oxides layers epitaxially grown on silicon, International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Mumbai, India, 15.-17.12.2012
H.-J. Osten (invited), D. Schwendt (2012): Strain Effects on Dielectric Properties of Thin, Crystalline Rare Earth Oxides on Silicon, 222th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 07.-12.10.2012
H.-J. Osten, T. Wietler (2012): Materialien und Bauelemente für zukünftige Si-basierte Elektronik, LNQE-Kolloquium, Hannover, Germany, 05.12.2012
J. Krügener (2012): MBE-Wachstum und Charakterisierung von Silizium mit modifizierter Kristallstruktur, Deutscher MBE-Workshop, Hannover, Germany, 11.-12.09.2012
T. F. Wietler, E. P. Rugeramigabo, E. Bugiel, E. Garralaga Rojas (2012): Relaxed Germanium on Porous Silicon Substrates, 2012 International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM), Berkeley, California, USA, 04.-06.06.2012
T. Ohrdes, U. Römer, Y. Larionova, R. Peibst, P. P. Altermatt, N.-P. Harder (2012): High Fill-Factors of Back-Junction Solar Cells without Front Surface Field Diffusion, 27th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (29th EU PVSEC), Frankfurt, Germany, 24.-29.09.2012
DOI: 10.4229/27thEUPVSEC2012-2DO.3.5 -
A. Grimm, D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten (2011): Structural investigation of epitaxial high-k gate dielectrics, Deutscher MBE-Workshop 2011, Berlin, Germany, 05.-06.10.2011
A. Laha, A. Bin, P. R. P. Babu, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Enhanced electrical properties of carbon doped epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films on silicon substrates, 220th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Boston (MA), USA, 09.-14.10.2011
D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten (2011): Photoelectron spectroscpoy of ultrathin epitaxial rare earth oxides on silicon, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 13.-18.03.2011
D. Tetzlaff , T. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Carbon-Mediated Growth of Epitaxial Germanium Layers on Silicon, 7th International Conference on Si Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI 7), Leuven, Belgium, 28.08.-01.09.2011
D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Ge-Epitaxie für NIR-Fotodetektoren, NanoDay 2011, Hannover, Germany, 29.09.2011
D. Tetzlaff, T. Wietler, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Kohlenstoffunterstütztes Wachstum von epitaktischen Germaniumschichten auf Silizium, Deutscher MBE-Workshop 2011, Berlin, Germany, 05.-06.10.2011
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2011): Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon for CMOS and Beyond, 38th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces (PCSI), San Diego, California, USA, 16.-20.01.2011
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2011): Epitaxial Lanthanide Oxides on Silicon for CMOS and Beyond, 7th International Conference on Si Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI 7), Leuven, Belgium, 28.08.-01.09.2011
J. Krügener, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Formation of large step-free areas on silicon, Deutscher MBE-Workshop 2011, Berlin, Germany, 05.-06.10.2011
J. Ruhkopf, T. F. Wietler, E. P. Rugeramigabo, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Surfactant-mediated epitaxy of germanium layers on vicinal silicon substrates, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany, 13.-18.03.2011
T. F. Wietler, J. Ruhkopf, E. P. Rugeramigabo, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Germanium on Vicinal Silicon Substrates, 7th International Conference on Si Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI 7), Leuven, Belgium, 28.08.-01.09.2011
T. F. Wietler, J. Ruhkopf, E. P. Rugeramigabo, D. Tetzlaff, J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2011): Surfactant-modifizierte Epitaxie von Germanium auf fehlgeneigten Siliziumsubstraten, Deutscher MBE-Workshop 2011, Berlin, Germany, 05.-06.10.2011
T. Wietler (invited) (2011): Surfactant-modified epitaxy of germanium layers on silicon for high-mobility channels, 16th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Alpe d'Huez, France, 20.-23.03.2011
A. Fissel, J. Kruegener, H.-J. Osten (2010): Towards controlled molecular beam epitaxial growth of artificially layered Si structures, 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2010), 2010, Berlin, Germany, 22.–27.08.2010
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Impact of interfacial germanium on the properties of molecular beam epitaxial grown Gd2O3 on Si, 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2010), 2010, Berlin, Germany, 22.–27.08.2010
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Growth of graphite-like carbon on Si(111) substrates using solid source molecular beam epitaxy technique, 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2010), 2010, Berlin, Germany, 22.–27.08.2010
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, V. V . Afanas’ev, M. Badylevich (2010): Semiconductor Nanostructures in Crystalline Rare Earth Oxide for Nanoelectronic Device Applications, 22nd International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM2010), 2010, Cairo, Egypt, 19.-22.12.2010
DOI: 10.1109/ICM.2010.5696129 -
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, V. V. Afanas'ev, M. Badylevich (2010): Incorporating Si, Ge and Si1-xGex Nanostructures into Crystalline Rare Earth Oxide for Nanoelectronic Device Applications, E-MRS Fall Meeting 2010, Symp. E: Nanoscaled Si, Ge based materials, Warsaw, Poland, 13.-17.09.2010
D. Müller-Sajak, H. Pfnür, A. Cosceev, K. R. Hofmann (2010): Crystalline lattice-matched B 0.7Sr0.3O on Si(001) as Gate Dielectric, Electronic Materials Conference, Notre-Dame, Indiana, USA, 23.-25.06.2010
D. Schwendt, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Tuning the Properties of Crystalline Lanthanide Oxides on Silicon, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF) 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13.-16.06.2010
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2010): Challenges on Large Scale Use of QNM Technologies, Panel discussion at the 4th International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ICQNM 2010), Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, 10.-16.02.2010
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2010): Introducing Crystalline Rare-Earth Oxides into Si-based Electronics, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF) 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13.-16.06.2010
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, A. Fissel (2010): Si Nanostructures Embedded into Crystalline Rare-Earth Oxide Matrix for Opto and Nano Electronic Applications, 4th International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ICQNM 2010), Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, 10.-16.02.2010
J. Krügener, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2010): Influence of Surface Preparation Conditions on the Surface Defect Structure of Boron-covered Si(111): An Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study, 37th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (PCSI), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10.-14.01.2010
J. S. de Sousa, R. Peibst, K. R. Hofmann, G. A. Farias, J.-P. Leburton (2010): Electron charging and discharging in Ge nanocrystal flash memories; one by one, International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices (ICSNN-2010), Beijing, China, 18.-23.07.2010
R. Endres, H. Gottlob, M. Schmidt, D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten, U. Schwalke (2010): Crystalline Gadolinium Oxide: A Promising High-k Candidate for Future CMOS Generations, 218th ECS Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 10.-15.10.2010
R. Ranjith, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2010): Growth and studies of ultra thin Gd2O3 layers and Gd2O3/Si/Gd2O3 stacking on p-Si(111) wafers by molecular beam epitaxy for resonant tunnel diode applications, 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2010), 2010, Berlin, Germany, 22.–27.08.2010
T. F. Wietler, E. P. Rugeramigabo, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2010): Strain Relaxation Engineering in Epitaxy of Ge on Si(001): The Impact of Sb-Coverage on Interdiffusion, 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2010), 2010, Berlin, Germany, 22.–27.08.2010
T. F. Wietler, P. Turewicz, E. P. Rugeramigabo, D. Schwendt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2010): P-type Ge films on Si(001) grown by surfactant-mediated epitaxy, International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 24.-26.05.2010
A. Cosceev, D. Müller-Sajak, H. Pfnür, K. R. Hofmann (2009): Preparation and Electrical Characterization of Amorphous BaO, SrO and Ba0.7Sr0.3O as High-k Gate Dielectrics, 12th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces" (ICFSI-12), Weimar, Germany, 05.-10.07.2009
A. Fissel, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, A. Ali, H. J. Osten (2009): Tailoring of Si nanostructures embedded into epitaxial oxides for various applications, 17th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-17), Honolulu, USA, 26.07.-01.08.2009
A. Fissel, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, A. Ali, H.-J. Osten (2009): Preparation and Properties of Si nanostructures embedded into epitaxial oxides, Nanotech Europe 2009, Berlin, Germany, 28.-30.09.2009
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, D. Schwendt, H.-J. Osten (2009): Role of boron and surface defects on the growth mode of Si on Si(111): A photoemission and electron diffraction study, 12th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-12), Weimar, Germany, 05.-10.07.2009
A. Fissel, R. Dargis, E. Bugiel, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, D. Schwendt, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2009): Single-crystalline silicon on single-crystalline insulator prepared by different approaches, E-MRS 2009, Symposium I, Strasbourg, France, 08.-12.06.2009
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2009): Epitaxial Gd2O3 on strained Si1-xGex layers: Growth and electrical characterization, E-MRS 2009, Symposium I, Strasbourg, France, 08.-12.06.2009
A. Laha, M. Jestremski, E. Bugiel, D. Wong, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten, Ashkar Ali, S. Datta (2009): Si Nanostructures Embedded into Crystalline Rare Earth Oxide Matrix for Opto and Nano-electronic Device Application, 2009 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), Chennai, India, 27.-29.06.2009
A. Laha, M. Jestremski, E. Bugiel, D. Wong, and H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, A. Ali, S. Datta (2009): Quantum Effects in Group IV Nanostructures Embedded into Crystalline Rare Earth Oxides on Silicon Substrates, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2009), Singapore, 28.06.-03.07.2009
A. N. Nazarov, V. S. Lysenko, Y. V.Gomeniuk, Y. Y.Gomeniuk, H.-J. Osten, A. Laha (2009): Interface and bulk properties of MBE-grown rare-earth metal oxides on silicon, 216th ECS Meeting, Wien, Austria, 04.-09.10.2009
D. Müller-Sajak, A. Cosceev, H. Pfnür, K. R. Hofmann (2009): Investigation of Epitaxy and Electrical Properties of the Alkaline-Earth Oxides BaO, SrO and Ba0.7Sr0.3O on Si(001) as Alternative Gate Dielectrics, 6th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, ICSI-6, Los Angeles, USA, 17.-22.05.2009
D. Schwendt, D. Tetzlaff, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2009): Stability of Crystalline Gd2O3 Thin Films on Silicon during Post-growth Processing, 3rd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS’09), Djerba, Tunesia, 06.-08.11.2009
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2009): Epitaxy of High-K Oxides, 15th Euro-MBE, Zakopane, Poland, 08.-11.03.2009
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2009): Introducing Crystalline Rare-Earth Oxides into Si-based Electronics, XVth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (XVth IWPSD), Delhi, India, 15.-19.12.2009
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, A. Fissel (invited) (2009): Epitaxial Lanthanide Oxide based Gate Dielectrics, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 13.-17.04.2009
J. Wang, A. Laha, A. Fissel, D. Schwendt, R. Dargis, T. Watahiki, T. Liu, H.-J. Osten (2009): Structural Study of Epitaxially Grown Nano-thick Nd2O3/Si(111) Heterostructure, 4th IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS), Shenzhen, China, 05.-08.01.2009
K. R. Hofmann, A. Cosceev, D. Müller-Sajak, H. Pfnür (2009): Crystalline lattice-matched Ba0.7Sr0.3O on Si(001) as Gate Dielectric, IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference (SISC), Arlington, USA, 03.-05.12.2009
R. Dargis, A. Fissel, D. Schwedt, E. Bugiel, J. Krügener, T. Wietler, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2009): Epitaxial Growth of Silicon on Rare-Earth Metal oxide, 4th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology, Koszalin-Kolobrzeg, Poland, 21.-23.09.2009
A. Fissel, J. Krügener, E. Bugiel, T. Block, H.-J. Osten (2008): Molecular beam epitaxial growth of Si on heavily boron-doped Si(111) surface: From initial stages to the growth of Si polytypes, Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD) 2008, Sydney, Australia, 28.07.-01.08.2008
A. Laha, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, M. Badylevich, V. Afanas'ev, H.-J. Osten (2008): Integration of low dimensional crystalline Si into functional epitaxial oxides for next generation solar cell application, Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD) 2008, Sydney, Australia, 28.07.-01.08.2008
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2008): Si-nanoclusters embedded into epitaxial rare earth oxides: potential candidate for non-volatile memory applications, E-MRS Meeting 2008, Strasbourg, France, 27.-31.05.2008
A. Laha, E. Bugiel, R. Dargis, D. Schwendt, M. Badylevich, V. Afanasiev, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2008): Integration of low dimensional crystalline Si into functional epitaxial oxides, Workshop on Recent Advances of Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (WRA-LDSD) Nottingham, UK, 07.-09.04.2008
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2008): Si Nanostructures Embedded into Epitaxial Gd2O3 on Si, 15th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Vancouver, Canada, 03.-08.08.2008
M. Badylevich, S. Shamuilia, V. V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (2008): Electronic structure of interfaces of cubic Gd2O3 with Si(111) and Si nano-clusters, E-MRS Meeting 2008, Strasbourg, France, 27.-31.05.2008
M. C. Lemme, H. D. B. Gottlob, T. J. Echtermeyer, H. Kurz, R. Endres, U. Schwalke, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2008): CMOS Integration of Epitaxial Gd2O3, 5th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM), Bad Saarow, Germany, 23.-25.06.2008
M. Erenburg, R. Peibst, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2008): Write and retention characteristics of electrons and holes in MOS field-effect transistors with Ge nanocrystal floating gate, 5th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM), Bad Saarow, Germany, 23.-25.06.2008
Q.-Q. Sun, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten, S.-J. Ding, D. W. Zhang, A. Fissel (2008): Electrical Characterization of Ultrathin Single Crystalline Gd2O3/Si(100) with Pt Top Electrode, 9th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology (ICSICT 2008), Beijing, China, 20.-23.10.2008
R. Dargis, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, D. Schwendt, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (2008): Development of multi-step procedure for epitaxial growth of crystalline silicon on rare-earth-metal oxide for SOI-applications, 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS), Dublin, 29.06.-04.07.2008
R. Peibst, T. Dürkop, E. Bugiel, N. Koo, T. Mollenhauer, M. C. Lemme, H. Kurz, K. R. Hofmann (2008): PECVD grown Ge nanocrystals embedded in SiO2: from disordered to templated self-organization, 15th International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices (ICSNN 2008), Natal, Brazil, 03.-08.08.2008
T. F. Wietler, E. P. Rugeramigabo, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2008): Influence of Sb induced surface faceting on misfit dislocation formation in Ge heteroepitaxy on Si(001), 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2008), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27.07.-01.08.2008
T. Wietler, A. Laha, E. Bugiel, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2008): Epitaxial growth of Gd2O3 on Ge films grown by surfactant-mediated epitaxy on Si(001) substrates, 4th International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM 2008), Taiwan, 11.-14.05.2008
A. Fissel, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Laha, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, H.-J. Osten (2007): Silicon in functional epitaxial oxides: A new group of nanostructures, The 6th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD), San Andres, Colombia, 15.-20.04.2007
A. Laha, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2007): Engineering the interface between epitaxial lanthanide oxide thin films and Si substrates: A route towards tuning the electrical properties, 15th Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors (INFOS), Athens, Greece, 20.-23.06.2007
A. Laha, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2007): Confining single crystal Si-nanoclsuters into epitaxial rare earth oxides: Taking advantage of quantum phenomena to pratical applications, IUMRS-ICAM, Bangalore, India, 08.-13.10.2007
A. N. Nazarov, Y. V. Gomeniuk, Y. Y. Gomeniuk, H. D. B. Gottlob, M. Schmidt, M. C. Lemme, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2007): Charge trapping in ultrathin Gd2O3 high-k dielectric, 15th Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors (INFOS), Athens, Greece, 20.-23.06.2007
B. Raissi, J. Piscator, O. Engström, S. Hall, O. Buiu, M. C. Lemme, H. D. B. Gottlob, P. K. Hurley, K. Cherkaoui, and H.-J. Osten (2007): High-K-oxide/silicon interfaces characterized by capacitance frequency spectroscopy, 37th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, München, Germany, 11.-13.09.2007
E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.J. Osten (2007): Integration of Functional Epitaxial Oxides into Silicon: A TEM Investigation, Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials XV, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 02.-05. April 2007.
E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, A. Laha, H.-J. Osten (invited) (2007): Integration of Functional Epitaxial Oxides into Silicon: A TEM Investigation, Microscopy Conference, Saarbrücken, 02.-07.09.2007
E. Lipp, M. Eizenberg, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2007): Thermal stability of Pt/Epitaxial Gd2O3/Si Stacks, MRS Spring Meeting 2007, San Francisco, California, USA, 09.-13.04.2007
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2007): From high-K application to nanostructures: Integration of epitaxial gadolinium oxide into silicon, 5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-5), Marseille, France 20.-24.05.2007
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2007): Crystalline Rare-Earth Oxides as High-k Materials for Future CMOS Technologies, 212th ECS Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 07.-12.10.2007
H.-J. Osten, D. Kühne, A. Laha, R. Dargis, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (invited) (2007): Integration of Functional Epitaxial Oxides into Silicon: From High-K Application to Nanostructures, Jahrestagung der Deutsche Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany, 25.-30.03.2007
H.-J. Osten, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, A. Laha, D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (invited) (2007): Integration of functional epitaxial oxides into silicon: From high-k application to nanostructures, 15th Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors (INFOS), Athens, Greece, 20.-23.06.2007
T. Dürkop, E. Bugiel, I. Costina, A. Ott, R. Peibst, K. R. Hofmann (2007): PE-CVD Fabrication of Germanium Nanoclusters for Memory Applications, E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 28.05.-01.06.2007
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2007): Relaxed Germanium Films on Silicon(110), 5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-5), Marseille, France 20.-24.05.2007
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2007): Tuning Strain Relaxation by Surface-Morphology: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Germanium on Si(100) and Si(111), 11th International Conference on the Formatin of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI), Manaus, Brasil, 19.-24.08.2007
A. Fissel, C. R. Wang, E. Bugiel, and H.-J. Osten (2006): Preparation of twinning superlattices in silicon by atomic-scale surface manipulation: First step towards Si polytype growth, 24th North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 08.-11.10.2006
A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, and H.-J. Osten (2006): Formation of Si twinning-superlattice: First Step towards Si polytype growth, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2006): Properties of crystalline rare-earth oxide high-k dielectrics grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon carbide, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, R. Dargis, H.-J. Osten (2006): Growth and Properties of Crystalline Gadolinium Oxide Dielectric Layers On Silicon Carbide for High-K Application, 6th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 03.-07.09.2006
A. Laha, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Comparative Investigation of Epitaxial Gd2O3 Thin Films Grown on Si Substrates with Different Orientations for High-K Application, 48th Electronic Materials Conference, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA, 28.-30.06.2006
A. Laha, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, O. Kirfel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Epitaxial multi-component rare earth oxide for high-K application, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
D. Kühne, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Novel approach for fabrication of single crystalline insulator/Si/insulator double barrier nanostructures using cooperative vapour-solid-phase epitaxy, MRS Spring Meeting 2006, San Francisco, California, USA, 18.-21.04.2006
D. Kühne, A. Fissel, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Fabrication of single crystalline insulator/Si/insulator double barrier nanostructure using cooperative vapor-solid-phase epitaxy, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
D. Kühne, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Novel Approach for Fabrication of Single Crystalline Insulator/Si/Insulator Nanostructures: Cooperative Vapour-Solid phase Epitaxy, 33rd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI), Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA, 15.-19.01.2006
E. Bugiel, M. Lewerenz, H.-J. Osten (2006): Fabrication of well-defined individual dislocations in SiGe as a novel 1-dimensional system, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
G. Krause, M. F. Beug, T. Müller, T. Mikolajick, K. R. Hofmann (2006): 1/f Noise Analysis of a 75 nm Twin-Flash Technology Non-Volatile Memory Cell, 7th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, San Mateo, California, USA, 05.-08.11.2006
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2006): MBE growth and Properties of Crystalline Oxide/Silicon/Oxide Nanostructures, ESF Exploratory Workshop, Como, Italy, 12.-13.09.2006
H.-J. Osten, A. Laha, A. Fissel (2006): Influence of Si substrate orientation on growth and electrical properties of epitaxial Gd2O3 thin films for high-κ application, 37th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference (SISC), San Diego, 06.-09.12.2006
H.-J. Osten, D. Kühne, A. Laha, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2006): Integration of functional epitaxial oxides into silicon: From high-k application to nanostructures, 24th North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 08.-11.10.2006
H.-J. Osten, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, D. Kühne, A. Fissel (2006): Interface engineering during epitaxial growth of high-k lanthanide oxides on silicon, MRS Spring Meeting 2006, San Francisco, California, USA, 18.-21.04.2006
H.D.B. Gottlob, T. Echtermeyer, T. Mollenhauer, M. Schmidt, J.K. Evaki, T. Wahlbrink, M.C. Lemme, H. Kurz, R. Endres, Y. Stefanov, U. SChwalke, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.J. Osten (2006): Approaches to CMOS integration of epitaxial gadolinium oxide high-K dielectrics, 36th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, 18.-22. September 2006.
M. Czernohorsky, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Characterization of crystalline rare-earth oxide high-k dielectrics grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon carbide, 33rd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI), Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA, 15.-19.01.2006
M. Czernohorsky, A. Fissel, R. Dargis, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2006): Wachstum von kristallinem Gadoliniumoxid auf Silicium, Deutscher MBE Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 26.-27.09.2006
O. Kerker, T. F. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann (2006): Characterization of HfO2 deposited by reactive sputtering as gate dielectric for epitaxial Ge-MOSFETs on Si wafers, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
R. Dargis, A. Fissel, M. Czernohorsky, H.-J. Osten (2006): Epitaxie von Gadoliniumoxid auf Siliziumcarbid, Deutscher MBE Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 26.-27.09.2006
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel and K. R. Hofmann (2006): Residual strain in Ge films grown by surfactant-mediated epitaxy on Si(111) and Si(001) substrates, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 29.05.-02.06.2006
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2006): Surfactant-mediated epitaxy of germanium on structured silicon substrates: towards embedded germanium, 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), Wien, Austria, 24.-28.07.2006
A. Fissel (invited): (2005): Manipulation der atomaren Anordnung mit Epitaxie – Ein Weg zur erweiterten Funktionalität von Halbleitermaterialien für nanoelektronische Anwendungen, Kolloquiumsvortrag, Laboratorium für Nano- und Quantenengineering (LNQE), Hannover, 26.10.2005.
A. Fissel, O. Kirfel, Z. Elassar, E. Bugiel, M. Czernohorsky, H. J. Osten (2005): Interface formation during epitaxial growth of Neodymium Oxide on Si(001), 207th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Quebec (Canada), 15.-20.05.2005
E. Bugiel, H.J. Osten, A. Fissel, O. Kirfel, M. Czernohorsky (2005): TEM investigations of Epitaxial High-k Dielectrics on Silicon, Microscopy of Semiconductor Materials (MSM) XIV Conference, Oxford (UK), 11.-14.04.2005
H.-J. Osten (2005): Interface formation during epitaxial growth of binary metal oxide on silicon, NATO workshop Defects in High-K Materials, St. Petersburg, Russia, 11.-14.07.2005
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2005): Auf dem Weg zur Nanoelektronik, EKompass Workshop, Hannover, Germany, 25.04.2005
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2005): MBE of rare earth oxides, European Science Foundation, Exploratory Workshop, San Remo, Italy, 11.-13.05.2005
H.D.B. Gottlob, T. Echtermeyer, T. Mollenhauer, J. Efavi, M. Schmidt, T. Wahlbrik, M.C. Lemme, H. Kurz, M. Czernohorsky, E. Bugiel, H.J. Osten, O. Kirfel, A. Fissel (2005): Crystalline Gd2O3 High-k Gate Dielectrics with TiN Capped Fully Silicided (FUSI) NiSi Electrodes, 36th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference (SISC), Arlington (USA), 01.-03.12.2005
K. R. Hofmann, T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, R. Kurps (2005): High Quality Germanium Films Grown Directly on Si(001) by Surfactant Mediated Epitaxy, Electronic Materials Conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 22.-24.06.2005
M. Czernohorsky, O. Kirfel, Z. Elassar, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten (2005): MBE Growth and Interface Formation of Neodymium Oxide on Silicon, 13th Euro-Konferenz Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Grindelwald, Switzerland, 07.-09.03.2005
M. F. Beug, R. Ferretti, K. R. Hofmann (2005): Polarity dependent generation of gate-side and substrate-side border traps in nitrided gate oxides, Insulating Films on Semiconductors, INFOS 2005, Leuven, Belgium, 22.-24.06.2005
O. Aubel, W. Hasse, M. Hommel, H. Koerner (2005): Model for the barrier diffusion into Cu interconnects at high temperatures, Materials for Advanced Metallization, MAM 2005, Dresden, Germany, 06.-09.03.2005
O. Kerker, J. Zachariae, F. Mirza, R. Ferretti, K. R. Hofmann (2005): Investigation of Electrical and Optical Properties of BaxSr1-xO Gate Oxide MIS Structures, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany, 04.-09.03.2005
T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2005): Surfactant Mediated Epitaxy of High-Quality Low-Doped Relaxed Germanium Films on Silicon (001), Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, ICSI-4, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan, 23.-26.05.2005
A. Fissel (invited) (2004): Molecular Beam Epitaxy of semiconductor nanostructures based on SiC, 5th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM), Bologna (Italy), 31.08. – 04.09.2004
A. Fissel, C. Wang, E. Bugiel, H.-J. Osten (2004): Epitaxial growth of non-cubic silicon, The 5th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD), Cancun, Mexico, 12.-17.12.2004
C. Deiter, A. Gerdes, E. P. Rugeramigabo, J. Wollschläger, C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2004): GIXRD and AFM Investigations of CaF2/Si Multilayers, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 08.-12.03.2004
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, M. Bierkandt, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann (2004): Growth of CaF2/Si/CaF2 Resonant-Tunneling Structures by B and Sb Surfactant-Enhanced Epitaxy, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 24.-28.05.2004
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, M. Bierkandt, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann (2004): Growth of CaF2/Si/CaF2 Resonant-Tunneling Structures by B and Sb Surfactant-Enhanced Epitaxy, 44th Electronic Materials Conference 2004, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 23.-25.06.2004
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, M. Bierkandt, T. Wietler, E. Bugiel, and K. R. Hofmann (2004): Boron surfactant-enhanced growth of Si films on CaF2/Si, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 24.-28.05.2004
C. R. Wang, M. Bierkandt, B. H. Müller, S. Paprotta, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann (2004): Fabrication of Resonant-Tunneling Diodes by B Surfactant Modified Growth of Si Films on CaF2/Si, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 08.-12.03.2004
C. R. Wang, M. Bierkandt, B. H. Müller, S. Paprotta, E. Bugiel, T. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann (2004): Fabrication of Resonant-Tunneling Diodes by B Surfactant-Enhanced Growth of Si Quantum Well Layers on CaF2/Si, 4th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Munich, Germany, 17.-19.08.2004
E. Bugiel (2004): TEM-Querschnittspräparation - einfach, schnell und preiswert, Workshop des Fachausschusses Metallografie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde: Präparative Aspekte der TEM, Mai 2004
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2004): The red brick wall of traditional semiconductor electronics, Hereaus-Seminar "Spintronic", Bad Honnef, 11.-14.01.2004
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2004): Epitaxial High-k Dielectrics on Silicon, 5th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems (ASDAM), Smolenice, Slovakia, 17.-21.10.2004
H.-J. Osten, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel, O. Kirfel (invited) (2004): Epitaxial Silicon/Metal Oxide Stacks for various applications, 11th Advanced Heterostructure Workshop, Hawaii, USA, 05.-10.12.2004
H.-J. Osten, E. Bugiel, O. Kirfel, M. Czernohorsky, A. Fissel (invited keynote lecture) (2004): Growth and Properties of Epitaxial Metal Oxides for High-K Dielectrics, IC MBE 2004, Edinburgh, UK, August 2004
M. Tolkiehn, D. V. Novikov, C. R. Wang (2004): Experimente mit kinematischen stehenden Röntgenwellen an CaF2/Si(111), DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 08.-12.03.2004
T. F. Wietler, A. Ott, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2004): Advances in Growth and Device Processing of Germanium Films on Si(111), Second International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, 16.-19.05.2004
T. F. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann (2004): XRD analysis of Ge- and GexSi1-x-layers grown by surfactant mediated epitaxy, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 08.-12.03.2004
A. Fissel, H.-J. Osten, and E. Bugiel (invited) (2003): Towards understanding epitaxial growth of alternative high-K dielectrics on Si(001): Application to Praseodymium Oxide, Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 19.-23.01.2003
B. H. Müller, C. R. Wang, A. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2003): Surfactant modified epitaxy of Si on CaF2/Si(111), DPG-Jahrestagung, Dresden, Germany, 24.-28.03.2003
C. Deiter, J. Wollschläger, C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller (2003): Surfactant Enhanced Annealing of Si Films on CaF2/Si(111) investigated by SXRD and AFM, 2003 HASYLAB Users Meeting "Research with Synchrotron Radiation", 31.01.2003
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller and K. R. Hofmann (2003): Double-barrier resonant-tunneling diode by surfactant-assisted growth of Si on CaF2/Si, 2003 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 08.-09.06.2003
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2003): High temperature growth of CaF2 on Si(111) substrates, DPG-Jahrestagung, Dresden, Germany, 24.-28.03.2003
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, T. Wietler, E. Bugiel. K. R. Hofmann (2003): Surfactant enhanced growth of thin Si films on CaF2/Si(111), 2003 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 10.-13.06.2003
F. Beug, R. Ferretti, K. R. Hofmann (2003): Detailed investigation of the transient local tunneling in gate oxides, 2003 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, Dallas, Texas, USA, 30.03.-04.04.2003
H. Brocke (2003): FEM-Analyse von Viaketten in Cu-Technologie mit low-k Dielektrikum und von Viaketten in Al-Technologie bezüglich Temperatur- und Stromdichteverteilung, E.I.S. Workshop, Erlangen, 31.03.-01.04.2003
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2003): Growth, properties, and application of ternary SiGeC alloys on Si, Keynote lecture at the III. Ibero American Workshop on Nanostructures for Application in Micro and Optoelectronic, Madrid, Spain, 24.-28.03.2003
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2003): Epitaxial high-K materials as future gate dielectrics, HeTech03, San Rafael, Segovia, 12.-15.10.2003
H.-J. Osten, A. Bugiel, A. Fissel (invited) (2003): Understanding epitaxial growth of alternative high-K dielectrics on Si(001), ESF Workshop, Zürich, Switzerland, 17.-18.03.2003
H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel (invited) (2003): Epitaxial High-K Materials, 12th EURO-MBE 2002, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 16.-19.02.2003
O. Aubel, W. Hasse, M. Hommel (2003): Bimodal behavior and improvement of electromigration resistance of copper observed in highly accelerated lifetime tests (HALT), Advanced Metallizations Conference, Montreal, Canada, 21.-23.10.2003
S. E. Schulz, O. Aubel, J. Baumann, W. Hasse, T. Gessner (2003): Copper Alloys for Improved Interconnect Properties, Poster Presentation at Advanced Metallizations Conference, Montreal, Canada, 21.-23.10.2003
T. Wietler, N. Hoffmann, E. Bugiel, K. R. Hofmann (2003): Growth and characterisation of Ge- and GexSi1-x-multilayers on virtual GeSi-substrates, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, Germany, 24.-28.03.2003
X. Yu, O. Aubel, W. Hasse (2003): Simulation of electrical, thermal and mechanical effects on migration performance and voids formation in a complete copper dual damascene test structure with the influence of the extrusion monitor, Advanced Metallizations Conference, Montreal, Canada, 21.-23.10.2003
B. H. Müller, C. Wang, K. R. Hofmann (2002): Fabrication and I-V measurements of CaF2/Si/CaF2 resonant tunnelling diodes, DPG-Tagung 2002, Regensburg, Germany, March 11.-15.03.2002
B. H. Müller, C. Wang, K. R. Hofmann (2002): MBE growth of thin Si films on CaF2/Si(111) for resonant tunnelling structures, E-MRS 2002 Spring Meeting, Symposium J, Strasbourg, France, 18.-21.06.2002
B. H. Müller, C. Wang, K. R. Hofmann (2002): Growth of CaF2/Si/CaF2 Resonant-Tunneling Structures, 43rd Electronic Materials Conference 2002, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 26.-28.06.2002
B. Müller, C. Wang, K. R. Hofmann (2002): Topographische und elektrische Charakterisierung von Si/CaF2-Heteroschichtfolgen auf Si(111), DPG-Tagung 2002, Regensburg, Germany, March 11.-15.03.2002
C. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2002): CaF2/Si/CaF2 Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes on Silicon, IEEE 2002 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 09.-10.06.2002
C. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2002): Friction force material contrast during the initial stage of CaF2/Si(111) epitaxy, 21st European Conference on Surface Science, Malmö, Sweden, 24.-28.06.2002
F. Bechstedt, A. Fissel, J. Furthmüller, U. Kaiser, H.-C. Weisker, W. Wesch (invited) (2002): Quantum structures in SiC, 11. Conference on Formation of Interfaces (ICSFS-11), Marseille, France, 08.-12.07.2002
H.-J. Osten (invited) (2002): SiGe:C Device Application, 201st ECS Meeting, 9th International Symposium on Silicon Material Science and Technology, Philadelphia, 12.-17.05.2002
H.-J. Osten, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (2002): Epitaxial Praseodymium Oxide: A New High-K Dielectric, 9th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (WOE), St. Peter Beach, Florida, Oct. 2002
H.-J. Osten, E. Bugiel, A. Fissel (invited) (2002): Epitaxial Praseodymium Oxide: A New High-K Dielectric, Material Research Society, Fall Meeting, Symp. M, Boston, 02.-05.12.2002
I. Dumkow, T. Wietler, K. R. Hofmann, M. Horn-von Hoegen (2002): Germanium auf relaxierten Ge0.8Si0.2 Pseudosubstraten Präparation und Morphologie, DPG-Tagung 2002, Regensburg, Germany, March 11.-15.03.2002
S. Paprotta, F. Beug, T. Wietler, R. Ferretti, K. R. Hofmann (2002): Characterization of Gate-Stacks with Silicon and Germanium Nano-Crystals for Memory Application, International Workshop NEOP, 7, Dresden, Germany, 07.-09.10.2002
S. Paprotta, R. Ferretti, K. R. Hofmann, J. D. Kähler (2002): Characterization of LPCVD-SiO2 and ONO-Stacks using BTBAS as Precursor, 5th International Meeting of CREMSI, STUniversity, Fuveau, France, 14.-15.11.2002
T. Wietler, N. Hoffmann, K. R. Hofmann (2002): Untersuchung dünner GexSi1-x-Pseudosubstrate auf Silizium, DPG-Tagung 2002, Regensburg, Germany, March 11.-15.03.2002
U. Schwalke, K. Boye, K. Haberle, R. Heller, G. Hess, G. Müller, T. Ruland. G. Tzschöckel, H. J. Osten, A. Fissel, H.-J. Müssig (invited) (2002): High-k dielectric materials: Integration issues and electrical characteristics, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Materials Week 2002, München, Germany, 30.09.–02.10.2002
U. Schwalke, K. Boye, K. Haberle, R. Heller, G. Hess, G. Müller, T. Ruland. G. Tzschöckel, H.-J. Osten, A. Fissel, H. J. Müssig (invited) (2002): Process Integration of Crystalline Pr2O3 High-K Gate Dielectrics, 32th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2002), Firenze, Italy, 24.-26.09.2002
W. Hasse, H. Brocke, X. Yu (2002): FEM-Simulation von Metallisierungsstrukturen bei hohen Stromdichten, 20. ITG-Diskussionssitzung "Fehlermechanismen bei kleinen Geometrien", Oberammergau, Germany, 07.-08.05.2002
B. H. Müller, C. Wang, K. R. Hofmann (2001): Morphologies of CaF2 films grown by MBE on Si(111) substrates, DPG-Tagung 2001, Hamburg, Germany, 26.-30.03.2001
C. R. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2001): Molecular Beam Epitaxy of CaF2 on Si(111), 42nd Electronic Materials Conference 2001, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 27.-29.06.2001
T. Wietler, N. Hoffmann, K. R. Hofmann (2001): Herstellung von GexSi1-x-Schichten auf Si-Substraten mittels Surfactant Modifizierter Epitaxie, DPG-Tagung 2001, Hamburg, Germany, 26.-30.03.2001
A. Klust, M. Bierkandt, T. Hildebrandt, R. Kayser, J. Wollschläger, T. Schmidt, J. Falta, B. H. Müller (2000): Wachstum von Halbleitern auf CaF2/Si(111), DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2000, Regensburg, Germany, 27.-31.04.2000
C. Wang, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2000): Electronic and structural characterization of MBE CaF2 epilayers on Si(111) substrates, DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2000, Regensburg, Germany, 27.-31.04.2000
J. Wollschläger, M. Bierkandt, M. Grimsehl, A. Klust, T. Schmidt, J. Falta, B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (2000): Struktur der CaF2/Si(111)-Grenzfläche, DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2000, Regensburg, Germany, 27.-31.04.2000
N. Hoffmann, T. Wietler, M. Kammler, D. Reinking, K. R. Hofmann, M. Horn-von Hoegen (2000): Surfactant modifizierte Epitaxie: Herstellung und elektrische Charakterisierung eines Ge-p-Kanal-MOSFETs auf Si-Substrat, DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2000, Regensburg, Germany, 27.-31.04.2000
B. H. Müller, K. R. Hofmann (1999): Heteroepitaktische CoSi2/CaF2 Strukturen auf Si
M. Horn-von Hoegen, P. Kury, M. Kammler, B. H. Müller, T. Schmidt, J. Falta (1999): Reciprocal Space Mapping periodischer Versetzungsnetzwerke, DPG Frühjahrstagung 1999, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 22.-26.04.1999
M. Kammler, K. R. Hofmann, A. A. AlFalou, M. Horn-von Hoegen (1999): Surfactant modifizierte Epitaxie von relaxierten Ge1-xSix/Si-Filmen auf Si, DPG Frühjahrstagung 1999, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 22.-26.04.1999
Barnscheidt, Yvo (2021): Einfluss von Kohlenstoff-Deltaschichten auf die Defektausbreitung in der Germaniumepitaxie, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität, 2021
Gribisch, Philipp (2020): Einfluss der Präparationsbedingungen auf die strukturellen und dielektrischen Eigenschaften von Gd2O3-Schichten gewachsen mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie auf Si(001), Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität, 2020
DOI: 10.15488/10326 -
Montanez Huaman, Liz Margarita (2019): Evaluation of Metal-Organic Frameworks in Electronic Devices for Gas Sensing, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität, 2019
Joseph, Anit (2017): Preparation and properties of high dose nitrogen implanted epitaxially grown gadolinium oxide on silicon, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität, 2017
Grimm, Andreas (2016): Epitaxie virtueller Germaniumsubstrate für III-V-Halbleiter, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2016
Hannebauer, Helge (2016): Optimierung der Vorderseitenmetallisierung und des Emitters für hocheffiziente industrielle Silizium Solarzellen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2016
Kiefer, Fabian (2016): Kontaktierung Ionen-implantierter Boremitter in n-Typ Silizium-Solarzellen mittels Silber/Aluminium-Pasten, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2016
Römer, Udo (2016): Polycrystalline silicon / monocrystalline silicon junctions and their application as passivated contacts for Si solar cells, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2016
Tetzlaff, Dominic (2013): Kohlenstoff-unterstützte Germaniumepitaxie auf Silizium, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2013,
Ulzhöfer, Christian (2013): Emitter-wrap-through solar cells: Processing, characterization, device modeling, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2013,
Krügener, Jan (2012): Epitaxie und Charakterisierung von neuartigen Halbleiter-Heterostrukturen auf Basis von unterschiedlichen Strukturtypen des Siliziums, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2012,
Schwendt, Dominik (2012): Charakterisierung von binären und ternären Seltene Erden Oxiden, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2012,
Ciptokusumo, Joharsyah (2011): Mechanische Charakterisierung von Cu-Metallisierungen mit unterschiedlichen Durchkontaktierungsgeometrien und Rissbildungsprädiktion der Ta-Barriere, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2011,
Weide-Zaage, Kirsten (2011): Simulation von Ausfallmechanismen auf Package und Chiplevel, Habilitation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2011,
Peibst, Robby (2010): Elektrische und strukturelle Eigenschaften von Ge-Nanoclustern in SiO2: Evaluation des Anwendungspotentials für nichtflüchtige Speicher, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2010,
Beyer, Volkhard (2009): Nanocrystals for Nanodot Memories - Ion Beam Synthesis and Electrical Studies, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2009,
Czernohorsky, Malte (2009): Wachstum und Charakterisierung von epitaktischen Seltene-Erden-Oxiden für High-K-Anwendungen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2009,
Wietler, Tobias (2009): Surfactant-modifizierte Epitaxie für Ge/Si-Heterobauelemente, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2009,
Krause, Gernot (2008): Charakterisierung von Gate-Oxiden mittels Charge-Pumping und 1/f-Rauschanalysen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2008,
Engelhart, Peter (2007): Lasermaterialbearbeitung als Schlüsseltechnologie zum Herstellen rückseitenkontaktierter Siliciumsolarzellen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2007,
Beug, Marc Florian (2005): Charakterisierung von EEPROM Tunneloxiden mittels transienter Strom- und Kapazitätsmessungen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2005,
Brocke, Hiltrud (2005): Finite-Elemente-Analyse von modernen Leitbahnsystemen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2005,
ISBN: 3-8167-6924-1 -
Paprotta, Steffen (2005): Untersuchung von Silizium- und Germanium-Nano-Clustern für die moderne Speichertechnologie, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2005,
Rotter, Thomas (2005): Photoelektrochemische Ätz- und Oxidationstechnik für AlGaN und Anwendung in Heterostruktur-Feldeffekttransistoren, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2005,
Aderhold, Jochen (2004): Metallorganische Molekularstrahlepitaxie von GaN und InN, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2004,
ISBN: 3-8167-6787-7 -
Aubel, Oliver (2004): Ultrahochbeschleunigte Lebensdauertests an modernen Kupfer-Leitbahnsystemen in höchstintegrierten Schaltungen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2004,
ISBN: 3-8322-2966-3 -
Mittelstädt, Lutz (2004): Hocheffiziente MIS-n+p-Solarzellen auf multikristallinem Silicium-Material, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2004,
ISBN: 3-89821-395-1 -
Fedler, Fritz (2003): Herstellung hochreflektierender AlGaN/AlN-DBR- und UV-VCSEL-Strukturen mittels plasmaunterstützter Molekularstrahlepitaxie, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2003,
Mende, Ole (2003): Laserumschalterstruktur in CMOS-Technologie, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2003,
Mistele, David (2003): Technology of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure MOSHFETs, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2003,
ISBN: 3-89820-547-9 -
Röver, Kai-Sven (2003): Herstellung und Charakterisierung dünner Gatedielektrika auf Germanium, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2003,
Stemmer, Jens (2003): Struktur und elektronische Eigenschaften von GaN-Epitaxieschichten mit Hochtemperatur-AlN-Zwischenschichten, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2003,
Ahrens, Carsten (2002): Untersuchung der Stabilität von Cu-Diffusionsbarrieren mit Hilfe von Schottky-Dioden, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2002,
ISBN: 3-8322-2127-1 -
Lauinger, Thomas (2002): Untersuchung und Optimierung neuartiger Plasmaverfahren zur Siliciumnitrid-Beschichtung von Silicium-Solarzellen, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2002,
ISBN: 3-8265-9593-9 -
Schitthelm, Frank (2002): Amorphe diamantartige Kohlenstoffschichten für integrierte pH-Sensoren, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2002,
Zeuner, Marco (2002): Technologiekonzepte für sub-100 nm SiGe-Hetero-Feldeffekttransistoren zur Anwendung im Hochfrequenzbereich, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2002,
Kammler, Martin (2001): Surfactant-modifizierte Epitaxie von Germanium auf Silizium(111): Morphologie und elektrische Eigenschaften, Dissertation, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2001,
ISBN: 3-8265-9281-6 -
Meyer, Rüdiger (2001): Die ART-MISIL-Solarzelle: Einführung und Optimierung einer neuartigen Solarzellentechnologie, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2001,
ISBN: 3-8265-9556-4 -
Heidenblut, Torsten (2000): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Hochtemperatursupraleiter-Bolometern auf gepufferten Siliziumnitrid-Membranen, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2000,
Ramcke, Ties (2000): Technologiegrundlagen und Schaltungskonzepte für Einzelelektronen-Bauelemente, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2000,
Reinking, Dirk (2000): Herstellung von p-Kanal-Ge-MOSFETs auf Si-Substraten mittels Surfactant-modifizierter Epitaxie (SME), Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2000,
ISBN: 3-8265-9293-X -
Yu, Xiaoying (2000): Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von mechanischem Stress auf die Migration in Metallisierungsstrukturen integrierter Schaltungen, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 2002,
Aminpur, Massud‑Abubaker (1999): Technologischer Einsatz von Jodwasserstoff-Plasmen für die Polysilicium-Gate-Strukturierung in einer Sub-Quarter-Micron-Technologie, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1999,
ISBN: 3-89722-350-3 -
Fischer, Björn (1999): A Full-Band Monte Carlo Charge Transport Model for Nanoscale Silicon Devices Including Strain, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1999,
ISBN: 3-8265-7018-9 -
Kähler, Jan Dirk (1999): Selektive Wolframauffüllung für CoSi2-Kontakte in großintegrierten Schaltungen, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1999,
Weidner, Jörg-Oliver (1999): Charakterisierung der Zuverlässigkeit von sub-µm AlSiCu/TiN/Ti/n-Si-Kontakten bei hochbeschleunigten Lebensdauertests, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1999,
Kuhlmann, Burkhard (1998): Charakterisierung und mehrdimensionale Simulation von MIS-Inversionsschichtsolarzellen, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1998,
ISBN: 3-8265-4335-1 -
Burnus, Michael (1997): Pufferschichttechnologie auf Silizium-Membranen für höchstempfindliche HTSL-Bolometer, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1997,
ISBN: 3-89712-076-3 -
Kim, Myonchol (1997): Growth and Properties of Si1-yCy Alloy Layers Pseudomorphically Strained on Si(001)
Schröder, Hans-Ulrich (1997): EEPROM-Struktur in CMOS-Technologie mit einer Polysiliziumebene: neue Lösch-Verfahren, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1997,
ISBN: 3-8265-3289-9 -
Voigt, Hartmut (1997): Diamantartiger Hartkohlenstoff als neue Beschichtung für ionensensitive Feldeffekttransistoren, Hochschulschrift, Universität Hannover, 1997,
ISBN: 3-8265-3389-5
Bolm, Jannik (2024): Elektrische Parameter von pn-Dioden in Abhängigkeit der Implantations- und Ausheilparameter, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Dr. Krügener
Brückner, Emanuel Georg (2024): Passivierung der Grenzfläche von Perowskit-Absorbern zum elektronenselektiven Kontakt, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Nast, Moritz (2024): Untersuchungen zur Oxidationskinetik germaniumreicher SiGe-Schichten auf Si(111)-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Dr. Krügener
Norberg, Jenny (2024): Folienbasierte Nanoimprintlithografie für photonische Strukturen in der Photovoltaik, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Block, Henning (2023): Technological aspects of electrical contacts and doping of germanium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Dr. Krügener
Schäfer, Jennifer (2023): Durch Feuern oxidiertes Nickel auf Poly-Si als Rekombinationsschicht und als Löcher-selektiver Kontakt in Perowskit/Silizium-Tandemsolarzellen, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Too, Xingde (2023): Numerical simulation and experimental verification on the thermal oxidation of silicon, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Dr. Krügener
Zhang, Lizhong (2023): Elektrische Charakterisierung von Punktkontakten für die Subzellverbindung Silizium-basierter Tandem-Solarzellen, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Salomon, Leon (2022): Herstellung und Charakterisierung photonischer Kristalle auf Basis von einkristallinem Silizium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Schwarz, Christian (2022): Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften des Heteroübergangs von polykristallinem Silizium zu Löcher sammelnden Schichten in monolithischen Perowskit/Silizium-Tandemsolarzellen, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Yamtomo, Hafizh (2022): Herstellung frontseitenkontaktierter MOS-Kondensatoren, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Abram, Robin (2021): Charakterisierung von Defektätzverfahren für SiGe-Schichten auf Siliziumsubstraten, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Dulny, Maximilian (2021): Untersuchung der Wachstumsbedingungen von Gd2O3-Schichten auf virtuellen SiGe-Substraten, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Fawaz, Ali (2021): Untersuchung des Einflusses der Prozessparameter auf die Silizidkontaktierung von MOS-Strukturen, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Nagel, Marlyn (2021): Optimierung der Schichteigenschaften von in situ Phosphor-dotierten Polysiliziumschichten, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Norberg, Jenny (2021): Photoelektronenspektroskopische Untersuchungen von SiGe-Schichten auf Si(111)-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Philipp, Yareck (2021): Epitaxie von Gd2O3- und verspannten Ge-Schichten auf virtuellen SiGe-Substraten, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Thiedke, Dominik (2021): Charakterisierung von Lift-Off Prozessen zur Festlegung von Entwurfsregeln, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Zheng, Kangen (2021): Simulation der Strom- Spannungs- Charekteristik von Solarzellen unter transienter Beleuchtung, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
aus der Fünten, Henrike Luise (2020): Co-Sputtern von insitu-dotierten Polysiliziumschichten für passivierende Kontakte, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Salomon, Leon (2020): Untersuchung der wechselnden Sonneneinstrahlung in verschiedenen Fahrsituationen für VIPV, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Samast, Okan (2020): Untersuchung der Schichtbildungsvorgänge bei der Epitaxie von Gd2O3 auf Si(001), Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Yakubovsky, Nikita (2020): Preparation of test structures for characterization of carrier transport at oxide/Si(001) interfaces, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Audie Adam, Yeo (2019): High temperature stable passivation using Al2O3/SiNx stacks for textured p-type silicon surfaces, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Block, Henning (2019): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Messstrukturen für Hall-Beweglichkeitsmessungen von Ladungsträgern an Oxid/Si-Grenzflächen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Börnert, Steffen (2019): Einfluss der Dotierung auf die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Poly-Gate-MOS-Kondensatoren, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Fawaz, Ali (2019): Untersuchung der Grenzflächeneigenschaften von Cu3(BTC)2 auf n-Siliziumsubstraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Franck, Max (2019): Einfluss der Prozessparameter auf die Wirkung von Kohlenstoff in der Germaniumepitaxie, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Genath, Hannah Naomi (2019): Kohlenstoff-unterstützte Epitaxie germaniumreicher SiGe-Schichten auf Si(111)-Substraten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Gußahn, Alexander (2019): Untersuchung von hochdotierten Germaniumschichten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Hillmer, Christoph (2019): Erarbeitung eines Prozessflusses für die Herstellung von polysiliziumbasierten Dünnschichttransistoren, Masterarbeit, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Kreitlow, Lucas (2019): Charakterisierung von epitaktischen Germaniumschichten mithilfe des Hall-Effektes, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Schwochow, Jan (2019): Untersuchung der Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit von Polysiliziumschichten auf Siliziumdioxid, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Böckmann, Jonas Marius (2018): Untersuchungen zur Defektdichte von epitaktischen Germaniumschichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Borrmann, Fabian (2018): Untersuchung für einen durchstimmbaren Soft-Ionization Sensor für Umweltgase: Materialien und Messtechnik, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Brockmann, Tim Lukas (2018): Optische Charakterisierung von Komponenten neuartig verschalteter Photovoltaikmodule, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Cakmak, Merve Beyhan (2018): Elektrische Charakterisierung von Cu3(BTC)2 basierten MOS-Kondensatoren, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Krauße, Verena (2018): Elektrische Charakterisierung von pin-Dioden auf Basis von Polysilizium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Menze, Lukas (2018): Optimization of in situ Boron-Doped and LPCVD Deposited Polycrystalline Silicon, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Syring, Alina (2018): Strukturelle und elektrische Eigenschaften sauerstoffhaltiger polykristalliner Siliziumschichten für Siliziumsolarzellen, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Barnscheidt, Yvo (2017): Kohlenstoff-unterstützte Epitaxie von Ge pin-Dioden für Photodetektoren auf Si(001)-Substraten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Gribisch, Philipp (2017): Untersuchungen zum orientierten Wachstum von Gd2O3 auf Si(100)-Substraten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Heine, Nils (2017): Elektrische Charakterisierung von Polysilizium basierten Tunnelrekombinationsschichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Hillmer, Christoph (2017): Aufbau eines Tieftemperaturmessplatzes zur temperaturabhängigen elektrischen Chrakterisierung von Siliziumstrukturen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Köhnen, Eike (2017): Einfluss der Prozessparameter der chemischen Gasphasenabscheidung bei niedrigen Drücken auf die Eigenschaften von Polysiliziumschichten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Orlowski, Niklas (2017): Optische und elektrische Charakterisierung von mittels PECVD abgeschiedenen Al-dotierten Zinkoxidschichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Teubel, Stefan (2017): Optimierung der Epitaxie virtueller Si(0.5)Ge(0.5)-Substrate auf Si(111), Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
aus der Fünten, Henrike Luise (2016): Elektrische Charakterisierung von poly-/SiO2/c-Si-Übergängen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Budde, Melanie (2016): Untersuchung der Wachstumsbedingungen für nicht-kubisches Gadoliniumoxid, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Dani, Olfa (2016): Elektrische Charakterisierung von Feuchtoxiden auf Silizium-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Dzinnik, Marvin (2016): Erstellung eines Ätzprozesses zum selektiven Ätzen von poly-Si/SiO2/c-Si Übergängen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Genath, Hannah (2016): Epitaxie von Gd2O3-Schichten auf virtuellen GaN-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Li, Bingrui (2016): Auslegung und Optimierung der elektrischen Messtechnik eines Prüfstandes zur beschleunigten Lebensdauertestung von aktiven Implantaten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Margenfeld, Christoph (2016): Feinoptimierung der Ausheilbedingungen von ladungsträgerselektiven Kontakten auf Basis von Polysilizium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Schwochow, Jan (2016): Relaxation von SiGe-Schichten auf vorimplantierten Si(001)-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Slawig, Diana (2016): Einfluss der Substratorientierung auf die Kohlenstoff-modifizierte Epitaxie von Germanium auf Silizium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Vogler, Jakob (2016): Aufbau und Evaluation eines quasi-statischen Kapazitäts-Spannungs-Messplatzes, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Yakubovsky, Nikita (2016): Experimentelle Charakterisierung und numerische Simulation von p-i-n-Dioden in poly-Si-Hocheffizienz-Solarzellen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Peibst
Barnscheidt, Yvo (2015): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von pn-Dioden auf Si-Mesastrukturen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
David, Lasse (2015): Einfluss atomarer Stufen auf die Leckstromcharakteristik ultra-dünner Isolatorschichten auf Siliziumsubstraten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Eilert, Marius (2015): Charakterisierung von Si(1-x)Ge(x)-Schichten auf Si(001)-Substraten mittels spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Fendel, Andrej (2015): Untersuchung des Stromtransports in poly-Si/SiO2/Si-Strukturen, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Frye, Johannes (2015): Untersuchung des Einflusses der ALD-Prozessparameter auf die optischen Eigenschaften von Al2O3-Schichten und deren Auswirkung auf die Passivierqualität solcher Schichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Gribisch, Philipp (2015): Realisierung von Teststrukturen zur elektrischen Charakterisierung von p-n-Übergängen auf Mesa-strukturierten Si-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Herbers, Sofia (2015): Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Zwillingsübergittern auf den Ladungsträgertransport in Si-Halbleiterstrukturen, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Kähler, Lars-Christian (2015): Präparation von virtuellen Germaniumsubstraten für die Heteroepitaxie, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Kaiser, Robert (2015): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von MOSFET-Teststrukturen auf Siliziumkarbid (SiC), Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Köhnen, Eike (2015): Parametrisierung der Oberflächenrekombinationsgeschwindigkeit von ionenimplantierten Al2O3-passivierten p+-Emittern, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Krauße, Verena (2015): Oberflächenpassivierung von n-Typ Siliziumoberflächen für fotovoltaische Anwendung, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Liu, Haiyue (2015): Magnetotransport an 2D Pb-Phasen auf Si(111), Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Shaulov, Daniil (2015): Evaluierung der AFM-Untersuchung von Halbleiter- und Isolatoroberflächen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Sufis, Nico (2015): Charakterisierung epitaktischer Schichten mittels Defektätzen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Chen, Yijun (2014): Einfluss der Substrattemperatur auf die Surfactant-modifizierte Epitaxie von dicken (~500 nm) Germaniumschichten auf Si(001), Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Golly, Felix (2014): Optimierung hochleitfähiger CNT-Silikonkomposite im elektrophoretischen Feld für medizinische Anwendungen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Gribisch, Philipp (2014): Herstellung stufenfreier Mesa-Strukturen auf Silizium(111)-Oberflächen mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Honkomp, Tobias (2014): Auswirkungen der Ausheilung von BF2-implantierten Bor-Emittern für die Si-basierende Photovoltaik, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Karakas, Timur (2014): Untersuchung der Ausheilung von Ionen-implantierten Bor-Emittern für die Si-basierende Photovoltaik, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Margenfeld, Christoph (2014): Strukturelle und elektrische Charakterisierung verspannter Gadoliniumoxidschichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Margenfeld, Christoph (2014): Charakterisierung der Eigenschaftsänderungen von Gadoliniumoxidschichten bei verschiedenen Wachstumstemperaturen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Meinen, Sven (2014): Parylenverkapselung von polymerbasierten Dünnfilmneuroimplantaten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Möllers, Matthias (2014): Transmissionselektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung von Defekten an SiGe/Si-Grenzflächen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Neumann, Lutz (2014): Charakterisierung der Kristallisation amorpher Siliziumschichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Pham, Hoang Duc (2014): Einfluss der Substrattemperatur auf die Surfactant-modifizierte Epitaxie dünner (~2nm) Germanium-Schichten auf Si(001), Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Rose, Lukas (2014): Schnelle Ausheilung ionenimplantierter SiO2-gedeckelter Bor-Emitter, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Stöckmann, Jan Philipp (2014): Evaluation von PECVD-Prozessen für die Herstellung von Si3N4-Schichten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Stöckmann, Jan Philipp (2014): Untersuchung des Stranski-Krastanov-Wachstumsmodus von Ge auf Si(111), Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Weißbrich, Moritz (2014): Ramanspektroskopische Untersuchung von Si(1-x)Ge(x)-Schichten auf Si(001)-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Wetzel, Gustav (2014): Untersuchung der Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit von epitaktischen Schichten auf Silizium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Zoumboulis, Konstantinos (2014): Untersuchung des Einflusses der Wachstumstemperatur auf die Schichtspannungen bei epitaktisch gewachsenen Seltene Erden Oxide, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Brechtken, Benedikt (2013): Entwicklung von Teststrukturen zur Bestimmung der Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit an Silizium-Isolatorheteroübergängen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Budde, Melanie (2013): Programmierung einer Software zur automatisierten Auswertung von Kapazitäts-Spannungs-Messungen an MOS-Strukturen in Maple, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Fauser, Anton (2013): Evaluierung von Isolatoren auf Siliziumsubstraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Grimm, Andreas (2013): Einfluss der Wachstumstemperatur auf die Epitaxie von Germanium auf Silizium, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Kaiser, Robert (2013): Charakterisierung von epitaktischen Seltene Erden Oxiden auf virtuellen Germanium-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Reimers, Christian (2013): Herstellung und Charakterisierung n-dotierter Epitaxieschichten auf Siliziumsubstraten, Masterarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Rose, Lukas (2013): Thermische Oxidation von Silizium: Vergleich der Passivierqualität für Rohrofen- und Schnellheizofen-Oxidation, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Ruhkopf, Jasper (2013): Molekularstrahlepitaxie von Germanium auf vizinalen Siliziumsubstraten, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Schliebitz, Alexander (2013): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von pn-Dioden, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Schmidt, Jan (2013): Epitaxie von Germanium auf virtuellen Si(1-x)Ge(x)-Substraten, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Zoumboulis, Konstantinos (2013): Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von thermisch induzierten Schichtspannungen auf epitaktische Seltene Erden Oxide, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
David, Lasse (2012): Siliziumhomoepitaxie auf mesastrukturierten Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Ehlig, Tino (2012): Thermomigration in Metallisierungsstrukturen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Weide-Zaage
Funk, Dominik (2012): Entwicklung eines Prozesses für die Herstellung von MOSFET's mit high-k-Dielektrika auf Germanium-Substraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Gußahn, Alexander (2012): Charakterisierung von Defektätzverfahren für Epitaxieschichten auf Siliziumsubstraten, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Möllers, Matthias (2012): Hauchdünne Ge-Pufferschichten für relaxierte SiGe Schichten auf Si(001) Substraten, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Schliebitz, Alexander (2012): Herstellung und Charakterisierung p-dotierter Epitaxieschichten auf Siliziumsubstraten, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Schmidt, Jan (2012): Wachstum und Charakterisierung von SiGe Schichten auf Si(001) Substraten, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Thomas, Martin (2012): Phosphor-dotierte polySi Kontaktstrukturen für Solarzellenanwendungen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Harder
David, Lasse (2011): Untersuchung von Plasmaätzprozessen für nanometergenauen Schichtabtrag, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Wietler
Funk, Dominik (2011): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von kristallinen Siliziumfilmen auf Glas für Dünnschichtsolarzellen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Harder
Grimm, Andreas (2011): Charakterisierung des Spannungseinflusses auf Seltenen Erden Oxiden, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Grimm, Andreas (2011): Vergleichende Charakterisierung von Oberflächenrauheiten, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Rehberg, Max (2011): Herstellung stufenfreier Mesa-Strukturen auf Si(111), Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Rehberg, Max (2011): Vergleichende Untersuchung lateraler Abmessungen von lithografischen Strukturen im sub-Mikrometerbereich, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Wetzel, Gustav (2011): Epitaxie von Seltenen Erden Oxiden auf verschiedenen Halbleiteroberflächen, Bachelorarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Wetzel, Gustav (2011): Charakterisierung ultra-dünner Schichten mittels Röntgenreflektometrie und spektraler Ellipsometrie, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Whalley, Simon (2011): Modifizierung der Grenzflächeneigenschaften von Isolator/SiC-Strukturen für Hochleistungsanwendungen in der Elektronik, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Darmawi, Caesario (2010): Untersuchung von Migrationseffekten in Mehrfachviastrukturen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Li, Yue (2010): Migrationseffekte in Metallisierungsstrukturen unter Berücksichtigung der Kornstruktur, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Ruhkopf, Jasper (2010): Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Erzeugung von MESA-Strukturen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Beste, Matthias (2009): Untersuchung der elektrischen Eigenschaften der Grenzfläche zwischen SME-Ge und Si, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Erenburg, Milena (2009): Tiefenprofilierung der Trapdichte im Tunneloxid von Ge-Nanoclusterspeichern mit Charge-Pumping-Messungen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Jestremski, Marcel (2009): Charakterisierung von epitaktischen Oxid/Silizium-Heterostrukturen auf Silizium für nanoelektronische Anwendungen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Meinshausen, Lutz (2009): Migrationsuntersuchungen von Verbindungen in modernen Gehäusen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Ruhkopf, Jasper (2009): Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Erzeugung von MESA-Strukturen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Turewicz, Peter (2009): SiGe SME-p-dotiertes Germanium auf Si(001), Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Wang, Chao (2009): Charakterisierung industriell applikativer Nanointerconnectsysteme, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Yildirim, Özgür (2009): Untersuchung zur Rissbildung in Barrierenschichten mikroelektronischer Schaltungen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Chen, Xiao (2008): Simulation des Herstellungsprozesses eines MOS-Transistors mit SILVACO, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Erenburg, Milena (2008): Vergleich der Elektronen- und Löcher-Speichereigenschaften von Ge Nanoclustern in SiO2, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Han, Kai (2008): Entwicklung eines maskenlosen Herstellungsprozesses für MOSFETs mit Hilfe der Laser-Lithografie, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Jestremski, Marcel (2008): Untersuchung des Einflusses der Substratvorspannung während der Herstellung auf die elektrischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischem Gadoliniumoxid, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Karaman, Zeki (2008): Herstellung und Charakterisierung thermischer Oxidschichten auf Silizium mittels verschiedener Feuchtegrade, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Kashanchi, Farzan (2008): Untersuchung der erzwungenen Voidentwicklung in modernen Kupfermetallisierungen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer Prof. Osten
Krügener, Jan (2008): Epitaxie und elektrische Charakterisierung niedrig-dimensionaler Schichtstrukturen auf Silizium, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Fissel
Krügener, Jan (2008): Implementation einer UV-Lichtquelle in eine UHV-Anlage zur Realisierung von photoelektron-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen an elektronischen Materialien, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Meinshausen, Lutz (2008): Migrationsberechnungen in modernen Kupfermetallisierungen mit unterschiedlicher Textur, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Mikulski, Sebastian (2008): Messung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit von dünnen isolierenden Schichten auf Siliziumsubstraten, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Rehli, Johannes (2008): Optimierung und Charakterisierung von siliziumreichem LPCVD-Nitrid, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Rehli, Johannes (2008): Untersuchung der Grenzflächeneigenschaften von stickstoff-passivierten Germaniumoberflächen für Metall-Oxid-Halbleiterstrukturen mit High-k-Materialien, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Rendel, Torsten (2008): Experimentelle Ermittlung der Prozessparameter für die Ionenimplantation von Arsen und Bor in Germanium, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Stange, Martin (2008): Hochtemperaturverhalten von ultradünnen kristallinen Schichtstapeln auf Silizium, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Tetzlaff, Dominic (2008): Beeinflussung des Spannungszustands von kristallinen Halbleiterschichten durch den Einbau von Fremdatomen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Tetzlaff, Dominic (2008): Untersuchung der thermischen Stabilität von epitaktischem Gadoliniumoxid auf Silizium, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Wang, Linyan (2008): Migrationsuntersuchung von Löthöckern, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Zhao, Jiani (2008): Migrationsberechnungen einer sub-µ Multilevelmetallisierung mit Berücksichtigung des Herstellungsprozesses, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Kashanchi, Farzan (2007): 3D-Simulation des Einflusses von Punktladungen auf den Drainstrom in ultrakurzen MOSFETs, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Kias, Christian (2007): Ermittlung der Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten im Inversionskanal von MOS-Strukturen mit Hilfe der Spilt-CV-Methode, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Mikulski, Sebastian (2007): Einfluss der unteren Leitbahndimensionierung auf das Migrationsverhalten einer Zweilagenmetallisierung, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Tetzlaff, Dominic (2007): Untersuchung der thermischen Stabilität von epitaktischem Gadoliniumoxid auf Silizium, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Wang, Linyan (2007): Simulationsuntersuchung hinsichtlich der Migration in Kupferverbindungen im Zusammhang mit Löthöckern, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Zhang, Hong (2007): Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines Hochvakuum-Elektronenstrahlverdampers für die Herstellung von High-k-Materialien auf SME-Germanium, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Zhang, Lei (2007): Modellierung und Optimierung einer industriell applikativen sub-µ Multiviastruktur, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Zhao, Jiani (2007): Simulation der Stressverteilung in einer Zweilagenkupfermetallisierung mit Hilfe des „Birth and Die Algorithmus“ in ANSYS, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Han, Kai (2006): Charakterisierung und Optimierung von gesputterten HfO2-Schichten für den Einsatz als high-k-Gatedielektrikum, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Kühne, Dirk (2006): Herstellung und Evaluation von Seltenen Erden Oxiden hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für nanoelektronische Bauelemente, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Lewerenz, Matthias (2006): Wachstum von verspannten SiGe-Schichten auf Silizium für nanoelektronische Anwendungen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Zhang, Hong (2006): Etablierung der Proximity-Belichtung im Positiv- und Image-Reversal-Prozess, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Balaceanu, Cristian (2005): Elektrische Charakterisierung von MOS-Feldeffekttransistoren auf Wafer-Ebene im Temperaturbereich von 200 °C, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Elassar, Zeyad (2005): Untersuchungen der Grenzflächeneigenschaften Si/Metalloxid mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Lewerenz, Matthias (2005): Erarbeitung von Steueralgorithmen und Inbetriebnahme einer Molekularstrahl-Epitaxie-Erarbeitung von Siliziumhalbleitertechnologie, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Thiele, Cornelia (2005): Charakterisierung und Modellierung von integrierten passiven Bauelementen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Jnawali, Giriraj (2004): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Metallkontakten für die Molekularelektronik mit Abständen im nm-Bereich, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Kerker, Oliver (2004): Optimierung eines Herstellungsprozesses für MIS-Transistoren zur Verwendung in der Si-Ge-Technologie, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Kühne, Dirk (2004): Herstellung und Untersuchung von Metallkontakten zur Chrakterisierung von Gatedielektrika, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Osten
Thiele, Cornelia (2004): Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines vollautomatischen Hallmessplatzes für temperatur- und magnetfeldabhängige Messungen, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Binke, Martin (2002): Charakterisierung siliziumreichen SixOy-Systemen für den Einsatz in der Nano-Cluster-Speichertechnologie, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Hartlep, Jens (2002): Simulation von Stromdichte- und Temperaturverteilung in einer Cu-Leitbahn, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Kerker, Oliver (2002): Charakterisierung und Optimierung von SiO2-Schichten mit BTBAS als Precusor für den Einsatz in der Nano-Cluster-Speichertechnologie, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Kim, Il-Han (2002): Entwicklung einer Steuerungs- und Auswertungssoftware für Mehrkanalofenmessplätze mit der Programmierumgebung LabView, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Mirza, Farrukh (2002): Herstellung und Charakterisierung dünner Gateisolatoren für Germanium MIS-Strukturen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Ott, André (2002): Charakterisierung von SiO2-Isolatorsystemen für den Einsatz in der Nano-Cluster-Speichertechnologie, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Ott, Andrè (2002): Experimentelle Ermittlung der Designparameter eines Si/Ge-MOS-Prozesses in Mix&Match und Entwurf einer zugehörigen Technologiebibliothek, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Zörner, Patrick (2002): Charakterisierung von Kupferleitbahnen mittels Hochtemperaturmessung und Anpassung verschiedener theoretischer Wärmeleitmodelle an die Teststruktur, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Aubel, Oliver (2001): Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines sub-um-Gate-Prozesses zum Einsatz in einem Si/Ge-MOSFET mit ultrakurzem Gate, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Knobloch, Ulrich (2001): Herstellung und Charakterisierung von integrierten Hochfrequenzspulen mit magnetischem Kern, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Aubel, Oliver (2000): Herstellung und Charakterisierung dünner SiCN-Schichten für Anwendungen in der integrierten Sensorik und Mikromechanik, Studienarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Beyer, Volkhard (2000): Einfluss von uni- und bipolarem Stress auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften von dünnen, nitridierten Tunneloxiden, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann
Hubensack, Ralph (2000): Simulation von Temperaturverteilungen in einem Via in einer Kupfermetallisierung mit verschiedenen Barrieresystemen, Diplomarbeit, Erstprüfer: Prof. Hofmann